Summar Concerts


Herald of Homoerotic Fury
Aug 10, 2002
Simply enough, what are you guys planning on seeing?

So far the only thing I see that is appealing to moi is Dream Theater in August sometime. I haven't been able to see them yet.

And I'm going to hit up Day Of The Equinox when it occurs in Toronto, but that's in October.
I'm gonna be working at a bunch, but I don't know how many will be metal shows. I'm pretty sure I'm working Sounds of the Underground, which will suck for the most part, but it should be worth it for Gwar. I'm considering Ozzfest, pretty much just for Maiden, and Gigantour, but honestly I don't think I'll feel like spending the money for either.
Not really too much I guess.

Sounds of the Underground Tour = maybe
In Flames, Arch Enemy, Trivium = doubtful

In the fall I'll probably see

Hammerfall, Edguy, Into Eternity
Therion, Beyond the Embrace
and of course the one I'm looking forward to most is Day of Equinox. I can't believe you'd drive this far to see that Gadlor! Such dedication :O I'll buy you dinner
I'm flying buddy! I hath no such vehicular device at collegio. In Hoboken and NYC they rather hate on you attempting to park your vehicle anywhere, and the public transport is so good I just forego bringing one.

And I will take you up on that food offer. I have no fucking idea where anything in Toronto is, whoo! I just want to see Green Carnation, because they say they're going to do crazy things and play a big hunk of Light of Day, Day of Darkness.
Not to worry Gadlor, I'll pick you up from the airport and you can even crash at my place for the night or something. My parents live in a massive house only about 30 minutes from Toronto. Trust me man, it would save you assloads of cash! Toronto is expensive and I know you'd be tempted to waste money on hookers and the like. :hotjump:
Hot shit Gums. You could be the hottest Canadian evar!! :headbang:

Get on AIM with your bad GumsandArnold self sometime so I can get detaillythingies wizzorked out.

Skyfire forum: containing awesome people for a hella long time. :tickled:
A couple friends an I are thinking of hitting Ozzfest - the mainstage is looking quite nice this year. But it all depends on whether everyone's parents are cool with it, and whether we find someone with a car (and preferably a license). Never done a festival tour before, I'm hoping it'll be fun.

The annoying thing is some decent bands have actually been coming out to Indiana recently...and playing at 21+ venues damnit. All I've seen is fucking godsmack :yuk:
with YOUR MOM!

yes I know, aren't I mature :err:

snap, actually, I might be going to Gigantour's coming my way late august. need to remember to buy tickets for that too - I'd love to see Dream Theater & Megadeth & Symphony X.
o_O I want to go to a concert in Europe sometime. Man..I bet they don't even have retarded moshpits. That would make me so happy.
i only weigh 128 lbs :cry: they'll break me like a twig!
(pssst i'm 6' too! I can count all my ribs! woooooo) :tickled:
I've passed your excuse to the Board of People Who Decide if Other People are Pussies or Not, and they passed you. Apparently that's a reasonable excuse. I wouldn't have thought so, but they do. Just so you know.
Hammerfall, August 17th at the Troc!
Maybe Ozzfest
Stratovarius and Into Eternity in September!
Already saw SOTU, got there late and missed SYL, and left after Opeth. Opeth only played 3 songs but they still owned.
Depends on what else is coming around.