summer break


Dark Overlord
Apr 28, 2002
Dayton, Ohio, USA
hey everyone. did your summer break start if you're still in school? do you get it at the same time in other countries? mine started today and i'm feeling very depressed for some reason. maybe cause i wont see some people i got to know this year... maybe cause I think the summer will be realyl boring for some reason. I dont know. only one year of high school left.
last week, we've all got exams now though, then everyones going to Uni... oh well, sad i suppose, people i've known for up to 7, some since forever, i wont see again for ages, and in years to come i'll walk past, and be like, ''hi, whats up'' then walk off again. oh well... :rolleyes:
I have been out for about two weeks. It is already starting to get to me, I need to get out and do something, I'm not feeling so great.
I've been out for a few days. I graduated today and am completely done with high school. So, I guess my summer has officially started. I don't have anything planned, really. I need to get a job so I can have something to do and have some extra money. I think it will be pretty boring, and I am somewhat sad that I won't see some people ever again. I am just glad to be done with high school and looking forward to starting college in the fall. :)
No summer break for us down here in Australia (although 2 more essays and its 5 weeks of winter holidays for me)
Dont worry to much aboout not seeing people when you leave school, you get to relise that they weren't that good friends anyways, and those that aer you keep in contac with. Anyway whe you get to uni the whole social fabric changes and you wind up with a completely different group of friends, (i should know I've only been at uni for 5 years)
There was a thing about Arch Enemy in Guitar World or Guitar One.....I forgot which one it is.......