Super Heavy Deathcore! 5150+ENGL (LOOK!)

A big thanks for uploading the raw files! This one was a bunch of fun to mix, learnt a bit off it too.

Here's my mix guys! Enjoy. :)

Don't hesitate to criticize.
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Thanks for the DI's , the song is great.
I did some practice reamps through a 5150.
The mix below is not finished yet, some minor guitar parts are missing.
I would love some feedback on the rhythum guitars, are they too dark for this song ?

Your guitars are WAAAAAAY too dark and way too quiet, I can barely hear them. The tone itself sounds workable. As you said, some guitar parts are missing, and it sounds like you only have a kick and snare going for drums...
sounds great. i think the vocals are a bit muddy. maybe raise the hi pass. and the guitars i would take a little bit of the mids out if it were my mix. oh and clipping on the bass drop.
Ive heard some pretty interesting tones out of these mixes! Not too bad guys. Im recording this band again Feb 17 so i should be posting something new by the end of the month :)
I didn't mix the whole song because I have to use shortcircuit and manually program multiple samples. I didn't bother with anything toms and effect cymbals either. I know, Im lazy. But this is my mix of the last couple breakdowns. This is my first attempt at super heavy, so please let me know if it sucks.

I have not tackled the vocals yet.