Anyone have any luck with superior snares. In the avatar kit the singerland can be a monster snare when compressed right. Gclip with trueverb plate. A small cut in the upper mids region and parellel compression.
i think the snares are alright. as you said the slingerland is kinda cool and i also like the nir-z custom. sometimes the 13" piccolo also works great on faster stuff.
the toms are fcking awesome i think. best part about the library imo.
the kicks are horrible tho. takes me ages to make them sound useable.
SD2 snares are boss. Metal Foundry snares are thin and papery (that whole kit is, really) and Metal Machine snares are great but they have a bit of an odd velocity voicing. I actually really dig the original Superior snare collection. They're really natural, diverse, and raw as hell.
SD MM snares + Compresion = Instant sneapy smack sound.
I love them, I use them blended with a real snare or with the same MM snare but just the OH mic in another track. I like to uncheck the "random" button so it's only one sample for the closed mic and play with velocities in the other track ( OH ) so it sounds realistic. Try to stay away from max velocity notes, softer hits will always sound better.