Supernal Music


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Here is an update from the label if you haven't already seen it:

While visiting Kharkiv we attended one of ASTROFAES' rehearsals. I was quite impressed with their new material and upon hearing the completed new album, I decided to have it released: "Those Whose Past is Immortal" is the title and soon-to-be-announced is the release date. The new material is fast all the way through and, while being characteristically ASTROFAES, it has good live drumming and an endless succession of inspired semi-melodic riffs.


The recording of the 3rd album is almost finished.


The band is currently working on their fifth album. According to them, it will sound like "Self-Confidence", but cubed. Progress has been delayed somewhat, however, due to the guitarrist injuring his hand.

You download mp3s of this obscure band from the following URL: Under CORTES001CD and under CORTES004CD you will find links called "more info" - when you click them a separate window will pop up with information about the relevant album, where you will find the link to the relevant mp3.


"Alone Against All" was released on 19 April and instigated a wave of musical addiction. CD player sales also went up, as people wore out their players due to the ultra-intensive use. The music sounds similar to what you heard in the last THOR'S HAMMER, but with more extreme vocals, catchier songs, and cosmic atmospheres. This debut full-length culminates 10 years of existence for the band, during which there have been a number of frustratingly brief and tormentingly elusive installments.


The band is currently recording their third album. We are told it will be superior even to the previous two.


The second edition of 2000's "Department of Apocalyptic Affairs", which will have completely new artwork, will be released later.


"Battlefields" was released on 17 May 2004, right on schedule.

The re-issue of “Scythia+bonus” has been decided for 16 August 2004. This version will have a completely new and improved layout.
As always, you can find out more about this great band and download an mp3 from the following URL:


The re-issue date of this old Polish Black Metal gem has been determined. It will be 19 July 2004. We hear reports that Anextiomarus (the disgraced vocalist) committed suicide last month by jumping off the top of an 11-story building.


Work on their full-length debut is currently in progress.


More news soon...


We have fixed a release date for their "Monuments of the Elder Faith" mini-cd: it will be released on 14 June 2004. Due to problems with the artwork, however, we will most likely make a decision today or tomorrow about delaying the release date. The most likely one is 28 June.



The 'Damascus Steel' mcd is currently being written. The tracks will further develop on the themes of religious fundamentalism and ethnic conflict touched upon in 'Jihad'.

HAWKWIND's Alan Davey is now a permanent member of the band.

A cover of DEEP PURPLE's 'Burn' with Arthur Brown on vocals is also in the pipe line as well as the side project THE THIEVES OF FATE, featuring member of the MEADS and HAWKWIND who will release a punk cover album later in the year. A split vinyl album with BEDOUIN is also in the planning and the MEADS will contribute 6 live studio sessions. The tracks will be, 'God is Rome', '80 Grains of Sand', 'Grisly Din of Killing Steel', 'A Healer Made God', 'Watchers of Catal Huyuk', and a cover of SEPULTURA's 'Refuse, Resist'.
Drudkh and Hate Forest rule. Thanks and hails to those you got me interested. Autumn Aurora and Battlefields will most likely be among my faves of 2004.

I still need to hear Astrofaes.
I need to check out Hate Forest. I love the description for the new album at Supernal:

Funereal, ominous, epic. Alternating three monumental tracks with three traditional Ukrainian folk songs, and a funeral lamentation, recorded live on a bleak, remote Eastern village.
Not to sound cliche, but it is the best I've heard from them (haven't heard Purity). t reminds me somewhat of a more epic early-Graveland. But instead of Darken's croak, you have those haunting screams and death vocals.

The folk songs are kinda scary. Men and women chanting about God knows what....

Red Stream has/had it....
I love underground bands that crank out 14 albums a year. Maybe Drudkh is making up for their short (but brilliant) last effort. :)

Yeah, I really need to check out Hate Forest.
Hate Forest is much more prolific when it comes to releasing albums. THose guys must have nothing else to do.
I guess I should warn some of you. When ordering Hate Forest albums, be careful because some of them are either half ambient/forest type sounds or completely ambent stuff.

Just research before you buy when it comes to this band.
I wish supernal Music had cheaper prices, theyve got a great selection. J. You need to hear Astrofaes if you like Drudkh and Hate Forest. "Eyes of the Beast" and "Dying Emotions Domain" are my favorites.
So now we have Astrofaes, Drudkh, The Chasm, Nokturnal Mortum, Vore, Megiddo, Summoning, Arghoslent, Graveland and Immolation all releasing new stuff this year.

En Vind Av Sorg said:
I wish supernal Music had cheaper prices, theyve got a great selection. J. You need to hear Astrofaes if you like Drudkh and Hate Forest. "Eyes of the Beast" and "Dying Emotions Domain" are my favorites.
So you know, if Supernal had a proper distributor in the US, they would be a major contender for best label. The problem is, the easiest (and most expensive) way of hearing their roster is by buying direct from the UK.

Sorry, but before anyone in the US mentions Red Stream, I think they suck now. They must re-stock once a quarter. It should not have taken 3 months to wait for Drudkh (and even then, I got it from Dark Symphonies).
Red Stream never has anything, but when they do the service is great. Except I think I've gotten a few broken cases from them, but at least they show up within a few days!
NAD said:
Red Stream never has anything, but when they do the service is great. Except I think I've gotten a few broken cases from them, but at least they show up within a few days!
Every time they're broken! Why? Because they wrap the CDs in brown paper and pray to goat it arrives in one piece. Although I take my hat off to them for increasing their profit margins by removing overhead (such as padded envelopes and inventory). :loco:
hmm, I guess Red Stream likes me. My CDs are rarely broken from RS. I get more cracked or broken cases or broken teeth from The End. Jay, didn't you get Hate Forest - Battlefields from RS? I haven't seen it anywhere else. I don't mean to toot RS's horn, but they carry a lot of stuff most mailorders won't touch for some reason.

RS has a few new arrivals every day. You just need to check the re-stock and New Arrivals links. The End never even got Drudkh or Hate Forest or Astrofaes or Graveland or Arghoslent or Kristallnacht....

Oh but they'll carry Nokturnal Mortum. Gee, I wonder why...
J. said:
Jay, didn't you get Hate Forest - Battlefields from RS? I haven't seen it anywhere else. I don't mean to toot RS's horn, but they carry a lot of stuff most mailorders won't touch for some reason.
True. I guess my gripe is that they seem to be stocking less and less over time. I remember when RS would have anything I ever wanted! :tickled:

The End should pick up Supernal for distro. I mean, bands like Meads of Asphodel and Drudkh alone have 'The End' written all over them.
While I agree The End and SUpernal would make a great team, it won't happen. The End has issues with NS material, which is probably why they won't touch Supernal, Vinland WInds or No COlours.

Yet, they sell Nokturnal Mortum. :Smug:

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En Vind Av Sorg