Supernal Music

I got a Supernal newsletter in the mail today (second one I think) and they're promoting the new release from Sunwheel - formerly known as Swastyka. Anyway, Monuments of the Elder's Faith is being described as the fascists' In the Nightside Eclipse. Har har.

NAD - I wonder if you would like ItNE more if it had that missing fascist edge to it? :loco:
NAD said:
As long as I can march and sieg heil to it, SOLD! :lol:
*sings 'Springtime for Hitler and Germany'*

Here's some info on Sunwheel:
SUNWHEEL (Pol): "Monuments of the Elder Faith" mcd

(Supernal Music)

The "Prophecies..." cassette, which came out on the Russian label Stellar Winter and which has now been re-issued as a split cd with GROM, proved one of my favourites since I first got a copy in (I think) 2001. A glorious 'Wagnerian' intro (the best I have ever heard, beating even the one BAL-SAGOTH did for their 'Starfire Burning..." cd), was followed by a 10-minute track full of vicious, angry Black Metal and dark, apocalyptic synth highlights, only to conclude with an excellent rendition of BURZUM´s 'Det Som en Gang Var'. The cassette is the best selling item we've had in that format since we started. So, when WHC Productions approached us about buying the rights to the present recording, we agreed at the speed of light. Originally, this was intended to be a full-length cd, but the playing time ended up being insufficient to qualify and as a result we are selling this as a mini-album. The band explained that they ran out of time in the studio; and with good reason, as SUNWHEEL have high standards and are musically ambitious, so I can well imagine the budget they were allocated too restricted to finance the additional time that would have been needed to lay down two or three more tracks of this calibre and with this kind of production. Earlier I mentioned DEINONYCHUS and the album 'Ark of Thought', which we released in 1997. Here I have to mention it again, together with EMPEROR's 'Into the Nightside Eclipse', as these two offer the most immediate sonic clues as to what to expect from this terrific opus. This is, of course, a fascist "Into the Nightside Eclipse': pugnacious, paganistic, totalitarian; rabid, multi-layered guitar work cuts through a crystalline mix which leaves penty of space for majestic synthesisers to fill the mind with airy, grandiose sweeps that fill you with somber pride and masculine strength. Edifices of suprahuman monumentality erect themselves in the imagination as the futuristic melodies wash past with the ponderous dignity and oppressive authority one would associate with the works of an Albert Speer. This is music that dwarfs the individual and asserts the power of a hierarchical elite. The DEINONYCHUS connection comes not through the appearance of depressive passages, not tolerated by the upward, onward force of the material, but through the type and feel of some of the melodies produced by the keyboards. If this five-tracker is an indication of the kind of resplendence that is to come, and the progress made since the cassette ep is an accurate predictor of this band's capacity for growth, we have a lot to look forward to. Get yourself a copy and hear for yourself. £6.99
This is, of course, a fascist "Into the Nightside Eclipse': pugnacious, paganistic, totalitarian; rabid, multi-layered guitar work cuts through a crystalline mix
Key words. That's one of my main gripes about Nightside, there is WAY too much going on to have such a dirty production. Stripped down no nonsense black metal like Nattens Madrigal or Darkthrone, dirty production is great. Layered crap like 'N Crugu Bradului and Goat Horns would turn to shite with raw production.

JayKeeley said:
*sings 'Springtime for Hitler and Germany'*
You ever check out the stage show? Jason Alexander >>>>>> Zero Mostel
NAD said:
You ever check out the stage show? Jason Alexander >>>>>> Zero Mostel
Really? Those are some bold words. If you tell me Mathew Broderick is better than Gene Wilder, then I'll shove my Young Frankenstein DVD up your thusly. :loco:
Although the show I saw was with Martin Short, not Broderick, I can say without question that NOBODY is better than Gene Wilder.

"Yeah, but this is my shootin' hand." :lol:

Seriously man, I could not believe how good Jason Alexander was. I thought he was great as George Castanza on Jewfeld but I saw him in a whole different light after The Producers. We're talking full on gay love.
NAD said:
I thought he was great as George Castanza on Jewfeld but I saw him in a whole different light after The Producers.
Jewfeld. :lol: Well, we have discussed NSBM on this who says RC threads ever go off topic? :loco:

Quite honestly though, there is funny and then there is funny. Gene Wilder is funny.

Gene Wilder + Mel Brooks = Pure Genius.
Has anyone ordered from Supernal's own store? Any problems?

EDIT: Just noticed this:

21.03.05 FERLY023CD HATE FOREST (Ukr): Sorrow
00.00.05 FERLY019CD HATE FOREST (Ukr): Nietzscheism

Anyone who knows more about these? Are both new albums or one one of those demo re-releases many underground bands seem so fond of?
spaffe said:
Has anyone ordered from Supernal's own store? Any problems?

EDIT: Just noticed this:

21.03.05 FERLY023CD HATE FOREST (Ukr): Sorrow
00.00.05 FERLY019CD HATE FOREST (Ukr): Nietzscheism

Anyone who knows more about these? Are both new albums or one one of those demo re-releases many underground bands seem so fond of?

Nietzscheism is a re-release of all the EPs, I think, and Sorrow is the new full length.
I've ordered from them a couple of times without any problems. The store seems to be working fine and it did not take very long for the albums to arrive either.
hey, that's a decent price. I was thinking of picking those journals up at the AHF store when I got the paypal, but I could save a good $12 ordering from supernal. Mind you Supernal's prices aren't postage paid, so it might be about the same.
I just checked Supernal's release schedule. Ukrainian Black Metal Maniacs take note: it seems that stuff is coming soon.

31.01.05 FERLY021CD ASTROFAES (Ukr): Those Whose Past is... cd (Supernal Music)
21.02.05 FERLY022CD DRUDKH (Ukr): Autumn Aurora cd cd (Supernal Music) (uhhhh????? did they mean the new one or is this just a typo?)
21.03.05 FERLY023CD HATE FOREST (Ukr): Sorrow cd (Supernal Music)

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