Supposedly faster guitar player (Some Brazilian who plays 38 notes per second)

Insilden_The Shred said:
I'm assuming Yngwie Malmsteen makes quite a bit more money then you and has sold more albums in his career then you will aswell... Since of course he obviously wasted all these years of his life. That is of course if you consider it a waste to be doing what you love for a living and in turn this affords you the ability to support yourself and make large amounts of ppl happy.

...Considering nobody wants to hear it?

I think a bigger waste of time is the time you didn't take to pursue your passions.

... money shouldn't have anything to do with your musical pursuits... but if your passionate and genuine about your craft and truly want to dedicate your life to offering ppl whatever escape or pleasure music gives them, I think its great that you get paid to do so.

quoting bloodyscalpel: "Yngwie Malmsteen is a fat fuck" :lol: :lol:
haha he is a fat fuck.

and apparently he thinks he can fix this by nancy boyin' around on the tennis court. :lol:
