Surtur Rising impressions

I was so disappointed on my first listen that I haven't yet listened to it again. I should though since I am seldom 'taken' with albums on the first listen, but it came across as pretty mediocre to me. Maybe in time this one will grow on me but I'm kind of burned out on them right now. I listened to them pretty intently over the summer.

I gave this album a couple of more listens this weekend and it's actually better than my initial impression. I guess the first time I listened to it I wasn't in the right mood for them. I can't say it's better or not than Twilight of the Thunder Gods, but I changed my mind. It's a worthy listen.

I felt nearly the same way, SR needs a few listens
I listened to it a couple of more times this evening. I'm not sure it's a step up from Twilight yet but "Live Without Regrets" really grabbed me. I listened to that four times in a row. It's how I live my life so yeah...pure awesome.
last stand of frej, a beast am i, doom over dead man - still can't decide on my favorite. and the live dvd is unfrickin' believable. gonna see them again on august 24th in milwaukee. another epic night.

also, i you haven't seen the thread. "Surtur Rising" has been nominated for March's Metal Cover of the Month.

Head on over and give 'em your vote to guarantee a spot in the Cover of the Year Tournament.

Head on over here to VOTE!

the poll is open through this friday.