Svartsot Studio Diary

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009

all I can say so far: great drummer!
with "exclude within 20%" BD wouldn't even touch a single hit on the editing necessary at all, not even comping....max of three takes and we'll have one that'll be perfect from the befinning to the recording like this :)

Also the drums sound fucking of the best sounding kits I've recorded....Mapex Saturn series with fresh skins and a good drummer...snare is my Black Panther Birdseye Maple with a black suede skin...I'm looking forward to mixing this already....
Cool! I hope the rest are great musicians as well. I recently recorded a guitar player that pulled off a perfect take (whole song)...then came the bassist and it took him four hours to record 2 songs and a half, with me stitching bits and pieces together for the most part :erk:
Studio diary without video report isn't cool:lol:

Wieslawski bro have done this with Vader and Lost Soul, why don't try with your studio Lasse?
pics should be up (no studio-porn though).

Rhythm guitars are finished...
2tracks of 2ch Dual Recto-->MArshall g12t-75-->sm57+m201 = Really nice oldschool tone with a smooth modern twist.

Lead/Melodies (kinda also rhythms...they're playing all the time) will be Bogner through same cab/mics....yum