vanquish the pain
Here in some cities there are also courses at "Volkshochschulen" (translates to "folkhögskola" but I'm not sure if this is the same thing in Sweden...) and the interest seemed to be immense with 2 courses for beginners and almost 20 participants each. People seem to loose interest fast though. I've been in one of the courses and we ended up being about 5 ppl. I hope the next course (starting in September) will still happen with us being so few. I obviously need more practise (*sigh*) or I would have answered in Swedish as well. Oh well, what can you expect with 1 1/2 hours a week and little time for excerises at home 
Men jag är glad att jag förstår det lite skrifligt svenksa här

Men jag är glad att jag förstår det lite skrifligt svenksa här