
On the forum I got it from they said its from a manual for strollers for small children. I guess that picture was showing a warning of the possible dangers of the stroller. Haha, they think of everything these days because people sue for the craziest stuff.
yeah, the drummer in my band has a Rubbermaid tub he uses to put his hardware in, and on the inside of the lid is a picture of a baby in the tub with a big circle and line through it...pretty funny actually..."dont put your baby in this tub and close the lid"...duh
KillerRobot said:
On the forum I got it from they said its from a manual for strollers for small children. I guess that picture was showing a warning of the possible dangers of the stroller. Haha, they think of everything these days because people sue for the craziest stuff.

Pretty scary stuff: The True Stella Awards.
§ Man hit by lightning in parking lot. A classic "act of God"? Heavens no! It's the fault of the amusement park that owns the lot, man says in his lawsuit -- they "could have told the people not to go to their cars," his lawyer says. § :u-huh: