SY-X Fans...Just curious..What do you do for a living!!

I work in a retail store:guh: One of the worst things about it is the awful songs I hear 10 times in one day. At least it makes coming home and listening to some Opeth, Dark Tranquillity, or Symphony X that much more awesome though!
I work as a technician in intensive care unit in Tuzla, Bosnia & Herzegovina... I have a friend that works with me, also a big fan, and we're listening Iconoclast at work... every day heheheh
amazing album...

Cje-la Tuz-la jednu kozu muz-la! Hahaha

God, I feel old:lol:
I eat and take a crap (at least) every day. That really helps you know, for a living i mean.

But what do I know, here where I live they call me a retarded (but at least they give me food every day, and I have my own room, boy that really helps, as an ancient homeless I can tell...).

Ain't that cool?
I'm in the exciting world of customer service, specializing in e-commerce! OK, not so exciting, but its a living. Good company, nice co-workers, OK salary, I can't complain.
I have multible jobs actually... :)
I`m mainly a carpenter, specialized in building timberhouses. I`m also a professional ski waxer and a coach for some of the most talented biathlon-athletes in Norway. My family has a farm so I also work there from time to time. There is more, but not worth mentioning...:)
^ Thanks! I`ve read the forum for almost a decade, so i figured it was about time.. hehehe...
Yeah, it is nice. As a former athlete myself, it is cool to see that my way of philosofy of training makes other people reach they`re goals in life... Well, that`s the most giving part of my jobs anyway... :)
hehehe.. Depends how you look at things I guess.. :)
I represented my country in several occations, in biathlon, during my active career. I was what you could call quite promising. But I gave up the career when my old man passed away some years ago, and we had to make some serious decisions concerning the farm. I figured it was inapropriate for me to not step up to the plate so I took the responsebility for the farm during a period of time. When my younger brother took over the farm, I didn`t have the big motivation I needed and my perspective of life had changed a little, since I have gotten a son, (which I named Michael Romeo, btw) and I hated being away from him. Long story short.. ;)
I do still train a lot, but not like 850 hours a year like before, but for recreation i suppose... :)
Interesting thread topic!!

Right now, here's what I do in life.
For money, I work at the Sam Ash store out on eastern Long Island. Unfortunately, they stuck me at the front desk when they hired me, and I have no idea if I'll ever be given a promotion. But I get employee discounts on music stuff, so it's not so bad. Except I don't make much money; enough to save up progressively for good equipment that I can purchase with an employee discount, but still, it's pretty terrible. At least it's not a torturous job.
Other than working, I mostly mooch off my mom :D I used to do some live sound gigs for two summers, but that didn't work out for whatever reasons. Mostly because I hate live shows compared to recording in a studio. But that's just because I'm a jerk. And also feedback and shitty performers who don't know how to sing into a mic.
I do freelance studio-style pro-sumer level recording in my basement, and I just finished recording the tracks for an album that my friend is sending out to L.A. to be mixed by my teacher from audio school, who actually did a lot of final mixes for Whitney Houston and a bunch of other famous people.
I have a professional certificate in Audio Engineering from S.A.E. Institute in New York City, and I'm trying to become a professional engineer and open my own high end recording studio some day.
But this might throw a wrench in that plan for a while. I recently joined a band too. Not sure if I should talk about it too much right now, but I'm absolutely stoked to be playing for this band and I definitely enjoy the music that I'll be playing. I'm working very hard to learn and rehearse the material, I want to be ready for the upcoming shows.
I'm not really sure how much money I'll make from playing in the band, but I'm really not concerned about that.