What do Sy-X fans occupy themselves with?


Jan 29, 2004
Uppsala, Sweden
I have always wondered what type of people that like Symphony X. I can hardly imagine that all the peolple on this message board are musicians. So what do you do when you're not headbang to our favourite band? (Age, For a living, aiming to do, studying etc.)

Ill start. :)

I had a long pondering wheter or not I thought it worth it to go in for a career as a musician. Eventually i decided i wanted to keep music as a hobby.

Im 19 and these days Im taking my exam from what may be equal to collage in USA, GB and more. After the summer vacation im moving to starting my studies in physics at a local university. Apart from that i spend a lot of time playing guitar (classical and electric) and piano and i sing in a local choir.

(This has probably been done before but i couldnt find any thread when i searched. ...and excuse my bad english.)
I'm 20 and in my second year at university studying computer science. I'm obviously therefore also interested in lots of computing stuff - primarily coding and web design.

I've been playing guitar for about four years, and doing kung fu for a year. I used to do a lot of rock climbing, but since coming to university there isn't anywhere local to go so I only really get to do that in the summer now :/

I'm taking my exams at the moment.
I'm 24, have been playing guitar and bass for 11 1/2 years, and have a degree in graphic design. That field is tough to find work in, so I'm looking into learning multimedia to level up. I used to work at a TV station (sucked), and also do art. I love film and want to learn more about it. I absolutely love traveling, and had the pleasure of visiting Europe not too long ago (coincidentally, I had "The Odyssey" accompanying me, perfect musical companion).
22, lawyer, columnist for local newspaper, writter/reviewer for spanish metal website, playing music for 6 years. I'm located in the Dominican Republic, I mainly hang in the expensive bars... but once the local metal scene announces a good concert, I'm always there.
I am 19 (20 July 21st....) and a college student studying communications/journalism with an eventual minor in computer science...I hope to eventually write in PSM, OPM, Gamepro, EGM, or other such publications...hell, a position in a Computing Monthly publication would suit me (any computer/videogame-related publication)...I just enjoy writing about stuff that I am interested in...I could even write for a music magazine like a Rolling Stone or other such...however, I wouldn't fit in because I dislike most of the music that they would have me review...

Anyway, I enjoy playing video games, reading, watching anime, and watching hockey! I also enjoy being on the internet on various forums and going to the best concerts in the area!
I am 19. I am currently 95% occupied with school and work. I only get to listen to music late, LATE, at night or when I am driving. I am a Mechanical Engineering major and I am a nerd so I aim for the A. As I post this I am preparing for a 6pm-9pm class....sigh :erk:

currently 3rd year in study of audio and electrical engineering. i listen to music whenever possible, and i love to read, play videogames, surf, snowboard, rockclimb (and all other outdoor activities). i'm not a fan of traditional sports,

and i absolutely despise television.

besides school and the above, i play guitar and keyboards and occasionaly do DM vox for a project i've been working on and hope to finish at some point. i'm also very interested in world philosophy and ancient cultures.

occasionally i paint. i designed and built my own custom electric guitar from scratch using almost exclusively hand tools. i'm also a 1st degree blackbelt in tae-kwon-do
I fill my time mostly with work(which sucks). I'm a professional software developer. When I do have spare time, I hang out with my wife, play World of Warcraft, play guitar(21 years), exercise, eat(why I exercise), and other everyday mundane life stuff.

I'm always listening to music.

I go to school every time I get time to. It never ends...
uhh...I think I'm the youngest person here.

I'm 17, next school year I will become (hopefully) a sophmore in highschool. When I'm not enjoying metal I'm either playing video games, skateboarding, or flirting with girls. I'm not currently aiming at anything particular right now other than heading straight to college after I graduate.

Just incase you care. I've been skateboarding for about 1 1\2 maybe a little more. I just started again after taking a break for about a whole year.
Silent Song said:
i'm also a 1st degree blackbelt in tae-kwon-do

Awesome. I am a 1st degree in Shotokan. I had to stop since I started college due to my schedule. I plan to get back into it as soon as college is over. Martial Arts is so much fun, i miss it a lot. I remember when we use to have "dojo wars." :tickled: All the advanced and black belt students drive over to another dojo and we have a mini-tournament.
I'm 17 (18 TOMORROW woo hoo!), and I play bass, rugby, play video games, watch films.

I'm going for a Masters in Physics and I'm in the middle of my final exams for A2 now. I need to learn more maths, then I can get a worse grade in Chem and still get into Uni.
Well, this thread is doing nothing to shed the term "pocket protector metal".
I'm 36 and a computer programmer. I'm busy nowadays with my 2 kids, including the 3 year old who has perfected the metal horns!
Pastorius said:
I'm 17 (18 TOMORROW woo hoo!), and I play bass, rugby, play video games, watch films.

I'm going for a Masters in Physics and I'm in the middle of my final exams for A2 now. I need to learn more maths, then I can get a worse grade in Chem and still get into Uni.
Before you can get your Masters, you need your Bachelor's Degree...don't focus on your Master's yet! Also, with a bad grade in Chemistry, how do you expect to do well in Physics? They are both highly Math-intensive science courses...I know that one major reason that I am heading in the direction I am is because I have figured out what I do best and enjoy the most (computers, but not programming for them, and writing...) and am pursuing a career in that. Sure, I won't make the most money, and will never be rich, but what is money if you hate what you are doing? I found that out through my dad...he was an accountant, got laid off of his job, and that became a Godsend. He then was able to find a job owning his own health food store and running it by himself and loves what he is doing to this day, ten years later. Yes, he made more money at his accounting job, but he hated it! That taught me not to go after what pays the most, but what you want to be doing...
soundgarden said:
Awesome. I am a 1st degree in Shotokan. I had to stop since I started college due to my schedule. I plan to get back into it as soon as college is over. Martial Arts is so much fun, i miss it a lot. I remember when we use to have "dojo wars." :tickled: All the advanced and black belt students drive over to another dojo and we have a mini-tournament.
I'm actually a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Tang Soo Do...I took Karate for like 7-8 years of my life...from probably when I was 11-12...I quit because I would not be in the area except for a short time over the summer...it was cool and a nice way to get some exercise...I got to use a bunch of weapons...probably the most fun part of the classes was the weapons training with Nunchucks, Daggers, Staff, and Bamboo sword...overall, I just don't think I am an aggressive enough person to be REALLY good at martial arts...
Ayreon Guardian X said:
Before you can get your Masters, you need your Bachelor's Degree...don't focus on your Master's yet! Also, with a bad grade in Chemistry, how do you expect to do well in Physics? They are both highly Math-intensive science courses..

Nope, I applied straight for a Masters, and I can go straight for a Masters. That's the way it works now. I choose after my 2nd year which one I want to go for.

By bad grade, I mean C. And Chemistry isn't very maths intense. The hardest maths I have to do in chemistry is -log10[H+] .Physics is maths orientated, and that's why I'm going for an A in Physics and Maths.

If I miss out on an A in either Maths or Physics I will be disappointed in myself.

My God, Chemistry involves so little maths (at this level). It's more about understanding what happens on a molecular scale i.e. hydrocarbons, H-bonding, blah blah. It's just learning a lot of facts.
Pastorius said:
Nope, I applied straight for a Masters, and I can go straight for a Masters. That's the way it works now. I choose after my 2nd year which one I want to go for.

By bad grade, I mean C. And Chemistry isn't very maths intense. The hardest maths I have to do in chemistry is -log10[H+] .Physics is maths orientated, and that's why I'm going for an A in Physics and Maths.

If I miss out on an A in either Maths or Physics I will be disappointed in myself.

My God, Chemistry involves so little maths (at this level). It's more about understanding what happens on a molecular scale i.e. hydrocarbons, H-bonding, blah blah. It's just learning a lot of facts.
I guess the basic point is that I hope that you will enjoy what you are planning on doing and aren't going into it because you know it is a high-paying field...that is known as a BIG MISTAKE...but, if you like it, then go you! Hope you do well! Good Luck!
I'm 21 years old and am heading into my 4th year in college, majoring in Music. I want music to be my life regardless of what anybody says. I am thinking about going to a private music school for a year to go a guitar and recording program. I am also thinking about doing something in the communication field.

In my free time I listen to lots of music, occassionally play video games, play/watch basketball, watch certain movies, take pictures of scenery, chat/surf the web, and of course I play guitar!