What do Sy-X fans occupy themselves with?

I'm a 22-year-old Master's degree student in Aerospace Engineering. I am also having a quiet but steamy affair with Electrical Engineering (mostly high end audio related analog circuit design, and a bit with microcontrollers just recently).

I've played French Horn for about 13 years now, at a pretty high level for a while there, and am kicking around the idea of learning guitar (thanks to MJR) or bass (thanks to Les Claypool).

Presently, I am doing what I would like to do ultimately, which is working in research labs (at my school), revamping equipment and running experiments, and sneaking in time with all their laboratory-grade gear to further my EE tomfoolery. :grin:
22, just graduated from college with a B.S. in computer science (aka LOLZ POINTLESS). I have no clue what I'm going to do with my life, honestly.

I'd like to make a career out of music composition one day, maybe video games or film scoring or something. Otherwise I'll probably be stuck in some mediocre ass computer analyst job.
Hm, I just study at a local college. I'm on the first period of Language (Portuguese/English), and I intent to graduate in 2 years and a half. Though I was into Architecture also, for a year and 10 months. Don't work, daddy sustains me... hahahahaha!!