organizations similar to this^^^ is the reason for the existance of theDanallica said:How bout this for racial purity Red Dragon
E - Ethnic
C - Cleansing
U - Unit
LORD_RED_DRAGON said:actually yes
all the "white power" groups (that i've seen) use the story of "david and goliath" as "evidence" to say that black people are evil by saying that david was white and that the reason goliath was so much taller than the supposedly blue-eyed isrealites was because he was black (from one of those african tribes where the people are a whole foot and a half taller than most white people) and that black people are the people jesus was talking about when he was refering to "children of the devil"
misfit said:Sorry if this offends you, or others, but they are facts. In no way am I saying all middle eastern people are scum and should be shipped out of the country. There are some fantastic things about their culture and some great people I work with and am friends with. It is just that their inflexible culture and concentrated communities are largely the cause of the problematic bad seeds their community is producing.
muslims demonizing christians/americansDemiurge said:That is an attempt at a noble lie or rhetoric to convince the herd because they cannot conceptualize nationalism without demonizing outsiders in some ridiculous way.
what i was refering to^^^ was the "white power" groups that exist inside the texas prison system and i apologize for accidently creating the impression that i am oblivious to the existance of the great multitude of "white power" groups outside of texas prison that are actually paganLORD_RED_DRAGON said:"white power" groups use the story of "david and goliath" as "evidence" to say that black people are evil by saying that david was white and that the reason goliath was so much taller than the supposedly blue-eyed isrealites was because he was black (from one of those african tribes where the people are a whole foot and a half taller than most white people) and that black people are the people jesus was talking about when he was refering to "children of the devil"
if you mean seperating christians from muslims (like whole muslim only cities in the states) then i agree with youmisfit said:The solution is dillution.
MURAI said:But, if I were to have a child here, it's likely he or she is not going to take in Japanese culture. Which is pretty sad because culture is a build up of thousands of years.
what's even more sad is that it had to be said to begin withKrigloch the Furious said:that actually makes me sad.
this is the reason i don't travel to other countriesDanallica said:At the end of the day a degree of coformity and assimilation is needed for any one going to any country - weather we go to a muslim country and visit a mosk and have to wear clothing covering up most most of our body, or weather a foreigner comes to a western country and has to accept the fact that it is based on christian morals - its the same thing, a two way street
your obviously from USA thenLORD_RED_DRAGON said:this is the reason i don't travel to other countries
LORD_RED_DRAGON said:if you mean seperating christians from muslims (like whole muslim only cities in the states) then i agree with you
wait a sec you're calling me stupid??? my idea was the exact oppisite of your idea cuz i was smart enough to realize that your idea wont work (not in christianized america) if there's only one muslim in the whole city sooner or later a christian fanatic is going to kill him but if a city is officially designated as a muslim-only-city then the muslims would be pretty much safe untill the christian fanatics got a hold of a nuclear weaponmisfit said:How old are you? Do you even know what it means to dillute something? How can you dillute the concentration of muslims if you completely segregate them and have them form their own communities? Would that not be the exact opposite of what I said? Less time on message board, more time in school.
LORD_RED_DRAGON said:wait a sec you're calling me stupid??? my idea was the exact oppisite of your idea cuz i was smart enough to realize that your idea wont work (not in christianized america) if there's only one muslim in the whole city sooner or later a christian fanatic is going to kill him but if a city is officially designated as a muslim-only-city then the muslims would be pretty much safe untill the christian fanatics got a hold of a nuclear weapon