Sydney 'Race' Riots

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How bout this for racial purity Red Dragon
E - Ethnic
C - Cleansing
U - Unit
misfit said:
actually yes
all the "white power" groups (that i've seen) use the story of "david and goliath" as "evidence" to say that black people are evil by saying that david was white and that the reason goliath was so much taller than the supposedly blue-eyed isrealites was because he was black (from one of those african tribes where the people are a whole foot and a half taller than most white people) and that black people are the people jesus was talking about when he was refering to "children of the devil"
and most of the black people (that i know) that go to christian church are going to one of those churches with a giant painting of "black jesus" with the preacher talking about "satan/lucifer having eyes the color of saphires/emeralds" which is a translation of a sentance that appears in a book that was published in the same year that adolf hitler was born (in this book the idea that "blue eyed people are evil" is a reference to the vikings going south all the way to the equator and ran-sacking some north african people that had never seen non-brown eyes up untill that point)
so being a zebra i've gotten pretty fucking sick of people using "christianity" as an excuse for racism
Dare I say, you are looking at Christianity through an oh so narrow peephole. That is, one small group of a much larger religious philosophy. All religions/belief structures (or lack thereof's) have extremists and idiots. Generalising that Christians, on mass condone racism, is completely inaccurate and couldn't be more naieve.

Also, I think you have failed to see the irony in your liberal "acceptance of all", speech. You are no better than the racists you whinge and whine about. Well done.
actually yes
all the "white power" groups (that i've seen) use the story of "david and goliath" as "evidence" to say that black people are evil by saying that david was white and that the reason goliath was so much taller than the supposedly blue-eyed isrealites was because he was black (from one of those african tribes where the people are a whole foot and a half taller than most white people) and that black people are the people jesus was talking about when he was refering to "children of the devil"

That is an attempt at a noble lie or rhetoric to convince the herd because they cannot conceptualize nationalism without demonizing outsiders in some ridiculous way. There are, however, many nationlist organizations which make their points without arguing that ethnic foreigners are evil. Further, I suspect you aren't too familiar with such groups, since many of them are neo-pagans of some sort and couldn't care less about David and Goliath.
Of course your going to get Christain assholes who are white supremacists - but the vast majority of christains arent. Just like some Muslims choose to run planes into builings and murder 1000s of innocent people - not every single muslim does this, but some cowardice fuckers do.

So it is unfair to have ago a christianity in general - just as you would be a racist if you looked at muslims in gerenal
misfit said:
Sorry if this offends you, or others, but they are facts. In no way am I saying all middle eastern people are scum and should be shipped out of the country. There are some fantastic things about their culture and some great people I work with and am friends with. It is just that their inflexible culture and concentrated communities are largely the cause of the problematic bad seeds their community is producing.

No offence taken, if anything, I enjoyed reading your post, and while I disagreed with some parts and agreed with others, I respect what you wrote, so thanks for the contribution.

It's a very complicated issue, there's no simple way to hone it down to a simple "one" cause. Don't get me wrong, I'm not about to defend Middle Eastern gangs. I can't stand them and I *hate* they way they treat women. Those porcupine haircuts, pink tshirts and gold chains have become an almost symbolic representation of rape and violence from my point of view, and I would honestly wish they would stay the fuck out of places like Bondi (my home).

Last night, I was in my room surfing forums, when my girlfriend came running into my room and said "you have to take a look out the window".

So I did, and what did I see, a group of Leb "boyz" in their FWD, pathetic music cranked right up, gold chains worn like chainmail. I really felt like walking outside and saying "guys, go away, we don't need your trouble here".

This was my instinctive reaction, one without thought. However, that's not a tactic to be taken, it's one of immaturity, one of lack of intelligence which I wont lower myself down to. I'd be no better than the wankers who showed up at Cronulla bashing anything which didn't look Anglo.

The Middle Eastern culture has a lot of beauty to it. Their women are stunning, their food is fantastic and their music is almost mystical to listen to, just to name a few things.

I wonder whether their problem in Australia is a cultural, or religious one. When I see the stories of pack rapes out in the West, and more often than not it happens to be Leb boyz as the criminals, I wonder "what the hell are their parents teaching them? Where are they getting these ideas from? How can you NOT KNOW that this is evil and wrong? You CANT do that to a woman!".

Is it their culture, or religion? And if religion, it surely cant be "just" Islam, because there are many Christian Lebanese people out there as well, who are just as violent as the Islamic ones.

Any thoughts?
"white power" groups use the story of "david and goliath" as "evidence" to say that black people are evil by saying that david was white and that the reason goliath was so much taller than the supposedly blue-eyed isrealites was because he was black (from one of those african tribes where the people are a whole foot and a half taller than most white people) and that black people are the people jesus was talking about when he was refering to "children of the devil"
what i was refering to^^^ was the "white power" groups that exist inside the texas prison system and i apologize for accidently creating the impression that i am oblivious to the existance of the great multitude of "white power" groups outside of texas prison that are actually pagan
I would say, to some, maybe even a large extent (I really don't know), that Islamic teachings is one of the problems with the imbedded culture within the middle-eastern communities. On the other hand, I wouldn't say that Christian teachings are problematic within the middle-eastern communities. The difference being that whilst you may have Christian "bad apples", they are not any result of being Christian. Christianity is predominantly a western religion. Islamic, is not and thus is more likely to cause rebellion.

Thus, when concentrated together as a single ethnic "minority", living a vastly different lifestyle to others around them, there tend to be problems. Look at the problematic communities - they are more often than not are densely populated with a particular ethnic race. Redfern, Marrickville, Cabbramatta, Parramatta (lesser extent), Fairfield.

The solution is dillution.
At the end of the day a degree of coformity and assimilation is needed for any one going to any country - weather we go to a muslim country and visit a mosk and have to wear clothing covering up most most of our body, or weather a foreigner comes to a western country and has to accept the fact that it is based on christian morals - its the same thing, a two way street
Danallica said:
At the end of the day a degree of coformity and assimilation is needed for any one going to any country - weather we go to a muslim country and visit a mosk and have to wear clothing covering up most most of our body, or weather a foreigner comes to a western country and has to accept the fact that it is based on christian morals - its the same thing, a two way street
this is the reason i don't travel to other countries
if you mean seperating christians from muslims (like whole muslim only cities in the states) then i agree with you

How old are you? Do you even know what it means to dillute something? How can you dillute the concentration of muslims if you completely segregate them and have them form their own communities? Would that not be the exact opposite of what I said? Less time on message board, more time in school.
misfit said:
How old are you? Do you even know what it means to dillute something? How can you dillute the concentration of muslims if you completely segregate them and have them form their own communities? Would that not be the exact opposite of what I said? Less time on message board, more time in school.
wait a sec you're calling me stupid??? my idea was the exact oppisite of your idea cuz i was smart enough to realize that your idea wont work (not in christianized america) if there's only one muslim in the whole city sooner or later a christian fanatic is going to kill him but if a city is officially designated as a muslim-only-city then the muslims would be pretty much safe untill the christian fanatics got a hold of a nuclear weapon
wait a sec you're calling me stupid??? my idea was the exact oppisite of your idea cuz i was smart enough to realize that your idea wont work (not in christianized america) if there's only one muslim in the whole city sooner or later a christian fanatic is going to kill him but if a city is officially designated as a muslim-only-city then the muslims would be pretty much safe untill the christian fanatics got a hold of a nuclear weapon

Intranational nuclear warfare? o_O Not going to happen.
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