Sydney 'Race' Riots

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Demiurge said:
Intranational nuclear warfare? o_O Not going to happen.
that was exactly my whole fucking point intra-nuclear warfare isn't ever going to happen so making an all muslim city would make the muslims a hell of a lot fucking safer than misfit's dumb-ass idea of trying to put muslims in every single fucking city in the whole USA
Man, dividing up mislims from others is one of the worst ideas i have ever heard. Thats like fucken Nazi Germany man, you cant do that. Clearly some people have not moved on from those days, which is sad to see
Danallica said:
Man, dividing up mislims from others is one of the worst ideas i have ever heard. Thats like fucken Nazi Germany man, you cant do that. Clearly some people have not moved on from those days, which is sad to see

This is why I rarely post here anymore. Instead of making an argument supporting your position, you associate your opponent with "fucken Nazi Germany" and storm off. Please find another forum where people will pat you on the back for your cliches and fallacies, and get the fuck out of here.
Time has proven that any forced relocation of peoples has always ended badly (I think i just quoted Capt. Picard :) )

Give the kid a break though, Demiurge.
Demiurge said:
This is why I rarely post here anymore. Instead of making an argument supporting your position, you associate your opponent with "fucken Nazi Germany" and storm off. Please find another forum where people will pat you on the back for your cliches and fallacies, and get the fuck out of here.
Final_Product said:
Time has proven that any forced relocation of peoples has always ended badly (I think i just quoted Capt. Picard :) )
yeah i think you did just quoted picard and yeah he was right all the "native american reservations" are in the dead-fucking-center of the life-less fucking dessert *EDIT* picard was REFERING to all the native american reservations being in the middle of lifeless dessert wasteland
Demiurge said:
This is why I rarely post here anymore. Instead of making an argument supporting your position, you associate your opponent with "fucken Nazi Germany" and storm off. Please find another forum where people will pat you on the back for your cliches and fallacies, and get the fuck out of here.

I happen to think that dividing up people upon race is like Nazi - what did Hitler want to do with the jews to start with - ship em to Madagasgar
Danallica said:
I happen to think that dividing up people upon race is like Nazi - what did Hitler want to do with the jews to start with - ship em to Madagasgar

Why I will bother with what will follow this sentence eludes me at the moment, but I will persist against my better judgment... You've made an observation, not an argument. You need to show that it is bad social policy, not rely on our emotions to do the work for you. You have failed miserably at this. In fact, you haven't even attempted it. As of now, you are arguing on the fumes of your appeals to emotion, which may fly with fellow numbskulls, but not with me.
Demiurge said:
Why I will bother with what will follow this sentence eludes me at the moment, but I will persist against my better judgment... You've made an observation, not an argument. You need to show that it is bad social policy, not rely on our emotions to do the work for you. You have failed miserably at this. In fact, you haven't even attempted it. As of now, you are arguing on the fumes of your appeals to emotion, which may fly with fellow numbskulls, but not with me.

Ok, fair enough point
I think Demiurge is simply saying that if you're going to make a statement such as the one you made, follow it up with a justification (even if only from your POV as opposed to one logically/politically/based), so that the conversation flows.

This forum tends to have people seeking to bounce ideas and have detailed discussion. As I've learned in the past, "one-stop" comments do not go well with the regulars here.

So in summary, present your ideas, and present them well.
The Hubster said:
I think Demiurge is simply saying that if you're going to make a statement such as the one you made, follow it up with a justification (even if only from your POV as opposed to one logically/politically/based), so that the conversation flows.

This forum tends to have people seeking to bounce ideas and have detailed discussion. As I've learned in the past, "one-stop" comments do not go well with the regulars here.

So in summary, present your ideas, and present them well.

The quality of many of the posts ( not yours hubster), has been such over the last few weeks, that I am starting to become overly self confident of my own intellect and philosophical abilities--which is quite scary. Its hard to tell if some persons have made it past the high school level; if so ( which is likely when taking into account our American education system) then I tremble at the thought of the future of said forum subsection.
Danallica said:
I happen to think that dividing up people upon race is like Nazi - what did Hitler want to do with the jews to start with - ship em to Madagasgar
i've seen so many hitler/ww2 shows on history channel i'm not even going to try to keep count and i don't remember any of them mentioning madagascar at all... so what the fuck are you talking about???
speed said:
The quality of many of the posts ( not yours hubster), has been such over the last few weeks, that I am starting to become overly self confident of my own intellect and philosophical abilities--which is quite scary. Its hard to tell if some persons have made it past the high school level; if so ( which is likely when taking into account our American education system) then I tremble at the thought of the future of said forum subsection.
i'm responsible for this^^^ (i think) and i apologize
i've seen so many hitler/ww2 shows on history channel i'm not even going to try to keep count and i don't remember any of them mentioning madagascar at all... so what the fuck are you talking about???

That is what he originally wanted to do with the Jews - im not making this up, it is fact, ill try and find some proof for you
i'm responsible for this^^^ (i think) and i apologize

No problem. But Lord Red Dragon, I confess that upon reading many of your posts ( which are many times intelligent and insightful), I cannot help but to think that you are on some form of narcotics. If so, I wonder if I provide information, whether or not I can acquire some of these illegal subtances, that will, I hope, allow me to enter the sweet nothingness I so desperately desire.
speed said:
No problem. But Lord Red Dragon, I confess that upon reading many of your posts ( which are many times intelligent and insightful), I cannot help but to think that you are on some form of narcotics. If so, I wonder if I provide information, whether or not I can acquire some of these illegal subtances, that will, I hope, allow me to enter the sweet nothingness I so desperately desire.

Oh man, sometimes you sound so hopeless. Seriously, do you even like yourself?
speed said:
No problem. But Lord Red Dragon, I confess that upon reading many of your posts ( which are many times intelligent and insightful), I cannot help but to think that you are on some form of narcotics. If so, I wonder if I provide information, whether or not I can acquire some of these illegal subtances, that will, I hope, allow me to enter the sweet nothingness I so desperately desire.
i've done everything i can name what exactly are you looking for???
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