SYL - Alien


also known as ass-mode
Feb 13, 2004
Québec City
From all the cds I got yesterday... Alien is the only cd that disappointed me. The music is just nothing compared to City and you know... this just doesn't sound like how " extreme " SYL is supposed to be. Some good songs on it, but some others that don't do anything to me.
Meh, this album is nothing to CITY, the bonus DVD is better than the album and they are talking themselves up too much. Dont get me wrong I love strapping and most of devons other work but this is far from great. SYL is better than this album
Well ok I can understand not liking the album… after all it is full of ... *GASP* ... melodies! (I've been shocked and awed) .. not that thats anything new, but maybe because its in more abundance?

But to say it’s not extreme, c'mon now really, and even compared with all that power metal junk you love, Alien isn't "extreme"


Its not pure penis ripping SYL of the past ok, it has more of his whacked out side to it... A la infinity with gain to 11... so maybe that’s where the problem is.

But ... how can songs about babies not be extreme?!?!?!??!
hmmm, but I was pretty sure I saw asmodee threads about OMGNEW GREAT BAND (which is actually a horrible power metal band) haha.. but I am feeling mighty sick today, I must be delirious
see, I think its threads like that, combined with some creepy subconscious thoughts of anvil and james in an orgy of powermetal lust, that has given my sickened state to make such an outburst as that.
Mercenary isn't power metal actually...

And even if you consider them power metal, the fact I like one power metal band doesn't make me a power metal fanboy :D
Yes, it's actually growing on me! I only have to skip Two Weeks and the album is pretty okay. Though the last 2 songs are a little bit disappointing.

Edit: Okay, I listened to the last song again and it's growing on me too. Only track 8 and 9 are very boring imo.