Symphonic Black Metal


This is huh, wow...
Apr 7, 2009
Melbourne, Aus
The only artists I've really explored in this genre are Emperor, Limbonic Art, Dimmu Borgir and Gloomy Grim. Who else is worth checking out?
Sad Legend - The Revenge of Soul (sweet new album)
...and Oceans - The Dynamic Gallery of Thoughts
...and Oceans - The Symmetry of I - The Circle of O
Possibly Graveworm... maybe Bal-Sagoth

Anorexia Nervosa - Drudenhaus
Bishop of Hexen - The Nightmarish Compositions
Kataxu - Hunger of the Elements
Midvinter - At the Sight of the Apocalypse Dragon
Obsidian Gate - The Nightspectral Voyage
Covenant (now known as The Kovenant)- Nexus Polaris
Hellveto- Stos; In the Glory of Heroes (they're not really black metal, but it is awesome symphonic black-esque)
In Lingua Mortua- Belllowing Sea - Racked By Tempest
Tvangeste- Firestorm
Arcturus- Aspera Hiems Symfonia; La Masquerade Infernale
Akroma- Sept