Symphony of Science


Feb 20, 2005
Many are undoubtedly familiar with the Carl Sagan tribute video this guy made (I'm pretty sure it's one guy), and as I was watching it again today, I clicked on the link to his website, and discovered he's made a bunch more in a similar vein. Just so everyone knows what to expect, he takes excerpts from scientific TV programs (Cosmos, Bill Nye, etc.), autotunes the words into melodies, and constructs music around them.

Sounds like potential for cheese/lulz, and I guess some people will look at them that way, but I gotta be honest - I've been a sci-fi fan for pretty much my entire life; there's a real sense of wonder inspired by the unexplored vastness of our universe and all the laws, elements, and phenomena that comprise it, and the way it just makes all of our issues on Earth seem so insignificant and, more importantly, gives hope for something better in the future really inspires and moves me, so I found these videos to be quite beautiful in that respect, and I hope you all enjoy them too :)
Yeah man, I'm pretty awful at math and was never too captured by the nitty-gritty bits of science (meaning, most anything one would learn in a classroom), but I certainly enjoy the fruits of the labors of those more qualified than I to make these discoveries :D
Be has ths bit on watching the Science channel... fits me to a T. :lol:

You don't say! :lol::D

Seriously though, do you remember exactly what it was called? I'd love to hear it, but I can't find it :erk: (I only get results for his science fair riff, which is pretty funny too :D)

And yeah, I'm gonna go with coincidence as well ;)
Hahaha, yeah, that sounds about right :D

Here's the first SoS song in question btw, I very highly recommend it

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The 720p videos on the site are fantastic. Thanks Marcus! I too am an avid moocher of the labors of the scientific community. Love the potential thought of finally breaking free of the planet with its petty squabbles!
Fascinating indeed. Space is such a funny thing... it's just "space", room... and it's really really fucking dark and cold! True necro space of cold darkness of death and doom of ancient final doom! Oh yes!

Erh, I think I need some sleep.
Fascinating indeed. Space is such a funny thing... it's just "space", room... and it's really really fucking dark and cold! True necro space of cold darkness of death and doom of ancient final doom! Oh yes!

Erh, I think I need some sleep.

True necro space of cold darkness of death and doom of ancient final doom!!!


Could be a song title. :lol:
If you're interested in theoretical physics and especially string theory I have to recommend Brian Greene's books "The Elegant Universe" and "Fabric of the Cosmos." Both awesome reads. On a little lighter note (not much physics involved but some fascinating stories) I recommend "Surely You're Joking Mr. Fenyman."
Bumping this thread for a really great line from "We Are All Connected":

"I find it elevating and exhilarating, to discover that we live in a universe which permits the evolution of molecular machines as intricate and subtle as we"

Also, thanks for the rec.'s Roy, I'll check 'em out, and Ermz + Chris, glad you dug it!