Symphony X Cds at FYE Music!


Aug 5, 2002
Western PA, USA
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Their label is doing something right with these guys! I was at the mall the other day just killing time while my wife shopped and I wandered into FYE Music. They had a section spcifically designated in the racks for SyX! It was very cool to see they've gotten some level of credibility in a mainstream store.

If you've ever been to FYE, they have a really cool system where they station headphones around the store and you can grab any CD, scan the barcode at the station and you get a listing of the tracks on a monitor. Then you can listen to a 15 (or so) second clip of any song in the store. I was listening to the SyX clips and then got an idea. I took different SyX Cds to the different stations and scanned them so every station in the store had SyX on it. It doesn't mean anyone would listen to them, but I figured that at least at the stations in the Metal section someone might be curious and listen to them. It was worth a shot! :)
Good idea, scanner. Which part of Pennsy are you from? I have seen "V" in FYE before... but I haven't been in an FYE since all the old albums have been released. Inside Out is now collaborating with Ryko Distribution. So hopefully Symphony X and many other great Inside Out artists will be easier to find in stores.
When I was there that had all the albums except the 1st.

ProgMetalFan - I live about 40 minutes North of Pittsburgh, so I'm very far west in PA. I'm making the trip to Cleveland tomorrow night for the show at the Agora. Can't wait!
Cool! Maybe I'll see you there. Me and a friend of mine are heading up there. He's not really a fan of metal or SyX (in particular) but he's a musician too (bass player) so he can appreciate the music. He's a big Rush fan. He's just going to hang out.

Anyway, my name is Steve. I have short black hair, am 6'2" and I weight about 250. The guy I'll be with is about 6'5" and has black hair too. I'll probably be right up front in front of Romeo if possible, so if you see me say hi!

Yeah the FYE near me usually has "V" and "The Oddysey" in stock. I usually take whatever SX cd's are there and put them on the "Top Whatever" shelve. Those scan sample things are awesome too.
Look at a thread I created "Do This", and it will tell you what I did to get some great prog cd's (and ALL Sx cds) in a commercial cd shop here in Australia.
A local music store here called Quonset Hut has a ton of SyX CD's. They've got 3 copies of Damnation Game, 1 of Twilight In Olympus, 1 of DWoT, 1 of V and 2 of The Oddysey, not to mention tons of other great bands that aren't very well known (they recently got in two Pain of Salvation CD's, too).

I'll also be at the Cleveland Show, helps being only 15 minutes away from the venue, rock on!