Symphony X - Detroit


Mar 29, 2006
Who else was at the Symphony X show on July 21st at The i Rock? They put on one hell of a show and it was more personal than a regular arena type venue because you could get up real close to the stage without bodyguards pushing you back!
He was doing his crowd participation thing, which he does well.
He mentioned how kickass the Detroit crowd was, and how much competition we had. He was immediately met with "FUCK Detroit!!!!" and numerous related shouts from the audience. He kind of chuckled and said we made him feel like he was back in NY. You can't beat Midwest city rivalries :)
Iced Dog, yeah I was near the guy who shouted fuck Detroit. ODD! I didn't see him, just heard him behind me.
I was there and it was a great time. I hope every singer from the four opening acts watched Russ Allen and took good notes.

A couple of my favorite moments:
The part during the middle of Serpent's Kiss where they come in with the heavy guitars after the female voices.

The chorus during Paradise Lost

The wooo-ooo-ooo part in the middle of Smoke & Mirrors that the crowd hummed along with.

The entire Odyssey performance but expecially the last section.