Symphony X(enomorphs)


Dec 31, 2012
Am I the only one that thinks SX should make a song or even an album about these creatures from "Alien" movies? I mean think about:

They are perfect killing machines with no soul- fast, deadly, look like demons of hell hiding in the darkness. Parasites staying out of light, merciless gods of fear and pain. They have no eyes, they`re literally faceless. Their blood is acid, that can burn through your flesh. They`re preying mostly in the night and their only true enemy is fire.
And they look so damn amazing...

Seems like ideal topic for Russell and Romeo to write, doesn`t it?
Also, if a Xenomorph ever made it to Earth, it would wipe out the human population from shore to shore.
IMO SX should make an album chronicling a young love that results in a satisfying and long-lived marriage.
IMO SX should make an album chronicling a young love that results in a satisfying and long-lived marriage.

If you`re serious, I don`t think that make sense. SX is more about pain, suffering, life problems, religion & mythology than it is about happiness or love. Candelight Fantasia and The Sacrifice are about love and they`re not really that good.
If you`re serious, I don`t think that make sense. SX is more about pain, suffering, life problems, religion & mythology than it is about happiness or love. Candelight Fantasia and The Sacrifice are about love and they`re not really that good.

Candlelight Fantasia seems to be about a brooding composer.
Am I the only one that thinks SX should make a song or even an album about these creatures from "Alien" movies? I mean think about:

They are perfect killing machines with no soul- fast, deadly, look like demons of hell hiding in the darkness. Parasites staying out of light, merciless gods of fear and pain. They have no eyes, they`re literally faceless. Their blood is acid, that can burn through your flesh. They`re preying mostly in the night and their only true enemy is fire.
And they look so damn amazing...

Seems like ideal topic for Russell and Romeo to write, doesn`t it?

HAHAHAHA, laughing so hard (as you can see because I used capital letters)
I agree with Ariadna, that was pretty funny. But you know, guys, how about an even better and funnier idea?

How about, for a new song idea for the upcoming album they could write a song about this amazing story I heard from my old school friend Jeremy? You see, Jeremy told me this story about his ex-girlfriend at the time when we were both at high school, her name was Sarah. You see, he told me about how much time they spent together and all the cool things they did together. He told me about that scary film they went to watch one day, I think it was Scream 4, you know, with Ghostface and how he murders people at their own homes and shit? Well, he told me when he and Sarah watched it together she got really scared. She'd screamed to him inside the movie theater "Oh Jeremy, this is too much for me, I'm so scared!" and he told her "Its okay, I'm here. Hold me tight and close your eyes, it's almost over". He told me from that point onwards, he didn't feel more manly than ever before. He said it was the best thing he ever did for a woman, being there for her when she's scared and screamed, people thought she ran out of a psychiatric hospital, but he told everyone "Stop with these looks on your faces guys, she was in no psychiatric hospital, she's just scared and I'm here for her. You guys will never realize how manly this feels...".

He also told me that later on, she'd grown to like him less and less as each day passed by. He told me about how Sarah kept complaining to him that she isn't in love with him anymore, "look honey, I'm tired of you and your scary shit! YOu don't take me to any cute, fluffy movies....Its just scream 4 all the time, or Scream 3, or 2, or 1....Its getting old, honey!". And then HE was even more manly by dumping her himself, not the other way around! He told her "Honey, you can fuck off and I dont care what you think! I got what I wanted anyways, and I am more manly than I ever was right now. So I got what I wanted, so you can shut your mouth and go."

Yeah, he literally kicked her ass out of his room after that. But you know guys, I felt sorry for him, dumping his own gf and all. I asked him "Man, you sure have courage to do something like this to your own gf man. Don't you feel kinda ashamed dumping Sarah?" He answered me, "No man, like I told you I feel more manly than ever since the day I dumped her. After being dumped by like 20 different girlfriend's myself, I felt it was the right time to do something manly and actually dump one myself.". I told him "wow, you sure are manly..." and that was it. And I dont take it back - when you go through being dumped 20 times by 20 different gf's, you sure want to feel manly for a change and dump one yourself.

Wow. Guys. I think this would make an amazing idea for a song on the upcoing Sym X album.
Wow man... That wasn't even funny. If you need to talk about your "friend" I'm sure there are a lot of forums more appropriate than this one to discuss about it... :/
Wall Street!

Gaze in these eyes my child and see -
here by my side, you're destined to be
Fears in the night flee with the Sun - if
we are One
Kingdom of Gold I lay at your feet -
Ruler of Time and Space you will be
Rivers of Truth forever will run - if we
are One

That's the whole point! SX making something new. :grin:
Anything new will be acceptable I think. Just not something they've already done. Part of making an album with an original sound is to make it sound unique. Imagine how many bands have failed in some way with their music because the music wasn't original enough? Million modern bands out there but only a few can still bring something unique and original to the table these days.

The answer is right in the term itself, NEW album. It should include a NEW sound, and a NEW direction. No bullshit from previous albums added to the mix unless it is an indirect influence that doesn't necessarily affect the overall direction of the sound the new album takes.
Anything new will be acceptable I think. Just not something they've already done. Part of making an album with an original sound is to make it sound unique. Imagine how many bands have failed in some way with their music because the music wasn't original enough? Million modern bands out there but only a few can still bring something unique and original to the table these days.

The answer is right in the term itself, NEW album. It should include a NEW sound, and a NEW direction. No bullshit from previous albums added to the mix unless it is an indirect influence that doesn't necessarily affect the overall direction of the sound the new album takes.

I totally agree. If they did the same thing again and again they would be... I don't know, AC/DC for example. :flame:
Anything new will be acceptable I think. Just not something they've already done. Part of making an album with an original sound is to make it sound unique. Imagine how many bands have failed in some way with their music because the music wasn't original enough? Million modern bands out there but only a few can still bring something unique and original to the table these days.

The answer is right in the term itself, NEW album. It should include a NEW sound, and a NEW direction. No bullshit from previous albums added to the mix unless it is an indirect influence that doesn't necessarily affect the overall direction of the sound the new album takes.

I must disagree to a certain point. Because I feel a band can try new things and experiment...sure, but still should keep its trademark sound, the sound they first thought its "their thing" and what people liked about them in the first place. It also helps with the business aspect.

And I think its almost impossible to sound completely unique nowadays, so I think many bands are rather focusing on mixing different styles together.
It's not always about bringing new stuff to the table either... At least not imo...
There are bands out there that sound good and I like listening them even though they aren't doing anything "new" per se. Of course no one wants to hear the same stuff over and over again, but still...

EDIT: For example: I'm mildly hooked to the song Greenleaf - Ocean Deep eventhough tere is pretty much nothing "new" in the sound, nor new elements that I can find.
It's almost impossible these days because almost everything people could think of in the music industry was already done and composed. That's why the few bands that are still able to sound unique in every album they make, are the ones that actually deserve most of the acclaim, which, they dont always get. I know this example will probably be criticized and that's fine, but, do you guys know the band DragonForce? Well, that's an example of a band that I think have a very unique sound. No other band plays as fast and precise as they do, or, come close to their level of energy their music has. I'm personally a big DF fan, but, again, this example may be criticized and I'm fine with that. Already learned to live with that.

Mixing different styles - that, my man, is something most prog metal bands do. That's what makes prog metal prog metal, literally. You experiment, but within the boundaries of metal, while Experimental metal/rock experiments with no boundaries, or, with very little boundaries if at all.

It's not that bands fail to sound unique that disappoints me, its the large amount of modern metal bands out there that sound nearly the same to each other, and offering nothing special to the ears, my ears atleast. You can start arguing that this is not true because you personally think differently or whatever, but, it's kind of a subjective thing so opinion varies about it. But I think most people can agree, that these days, the new metal bands being formed these days really offer nothing unique to the table. Yes, they're making new music but that's it. It's the kind of music that "new" refers to the release date. So an album released in 2014 is new, but, only by the fact that it was released not long ago. You dont see albums these days that are new in their sound, or new in that they offer something completely unique. I'm not saying I never see that anymore, but it's becoming more and more rare. I guess if we were in year 1983 now for example we would have not had that problem, but we're in 2014, soon 2015, come on man, new bands have run out of ideas for creating something unique. Those that still do, well, they have literally won the jackpot of uniqueness. You know when I looked back at the 80s and 70s, music in general was quite diverse and actually had some deep elements in it and people actually took the time to sit down and compose unique material. I mean these days its still like that but, back in the day it was much better than it is now. I dunno about everyone else but I'm a kind of a retro music lover, and only a few specific bands from the 90's and further pique my interest. I think if we take Sym X for example, and compare them to other metal bands that came about around the same time, then you can clearly see what sets them apart from other bands. Sym X is definitely something special, a band that brings depth to the music and turns it into a piece of musical art. So bands like Sym X are modern bands worth listening to for me these days.