Symphony X lyrics parody


Dec 31, 2012
I think SX`s lyrics are amazing, but it`s really easy to make fun of them using their favourite worlds. For example:

"The burning War Machine of Lies
Is falling from the darkness of skies

Vicious Hell Infection - the cursed light
Is rising in blood flame - soul of the night

Scream - all you need is that desire
Forever lost in the eyes of fire..."

I hope you`ll write the rest :)
I'm not as good as you, but I'll try.

"Our souls burn and thunder roars
As we get slain by unholy wars"

"Asshole break the seventh seal
Drink my blood and feel this steel"

Rawrrr rrawrar"
Now I'm bummed I can't find that "Symphony X in five seconds"-thing on youtube anymore. As I recall, it's a mishmash of all the instances where Russell sings about things that are faceless.
How many songs has Russ sang "Fiiiirrreeeee..." to as the chorus is ending? I can count at least two, but I'll bet there's more.

Set the World on Fire
Electric Messiah
Light my Fire
This Girl is on Fire


No seriously, there's there aren't any more than that that do the chorus ending fire thing.

There are, however, nearly 20 songs in total that use the word at least once. The use of the word appears to have somewhat increased throughout their career. Here's the chart:

1st album - none, there is one occurrence of "flames" though
Damnation game - 1 song
Divine Wings - 3 songs
Twilight - 2 songs
V - 1 song + 1 flame"
The Odyssey - 2 songs
Paradise Lost - 5 songs + 2 flames
Iconoclast - 4 songs + lots of flames in Fire up the Night

Besides the above examples, "fire" appears most prominently in the choruses of songs such as Seven, Of Sins and Shadows, Sacrifice, Walls of Babylon and Damnation Game.

But yeah, fire is one of those over-used words in songs in general, often as a metaphor of something or other. Symphony X's amount of usage probaby isn't in any way extraordinary.
This one was really funny. Because we all know that even the best ones tend to repeat some clichés xD

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Several people independent of each other have made fun of this line, when I've played Awakenings for them:

Nedless to say, another day has passed away...

"if it's nedless to say, then why is he saying it?"
Hey guys, sorry for the unexpected bump. I just have a good story idea for lyrics for a new symX tune at some point

How about lyrics about the food we eat? It could start off a bit slow where we explore our daily food meals routine, beginning with the breakfast up until a midnight meal before sleep. At breakfast, we could write the lyrics about the croaking sound of our stomach when we wake up in the morning, and then the big smile on our faces when that toast is finally ready and we take that bite we were so keen about from the beginning. After that, we could explore the inbetween post-breakfast meal that we eat at about 10 am, which could be anything sweet and tender, such as grapes or some other juicy fruit. We could write about the sound of the grape being chewed in our mouth and how crazy our taste buds are when it's in our mouth. After that, for lunch, we could describe the laid back position as we sit down and eat that tasty beefsteak served with a warm vegetable soup. For dinner we could write the lyrics about that nice omlette in a sandwich that we prepared for ourselves before we went to sleep, then finally at midnight we could write about that sudden wake up call in the night as we jump out of the bed half-asleep and fixing ourselves a nice coca cola drink to calm our empty stomach's down. I need to hear that food-influenced lyrics tune happening.
What if you dont eat breakfast? :)
Then we could replace that part with that awesome stretch you make when you wake up in the morning. Then after you got out of the bed we could even include a slow part describing how you brush your teeth and how happy your teeth are when you brush them that they scream "Yay! Thanks for brushing me!" and then encourages you to show that bright white smile of yours to all your co-workers when you arrive at the office.
Burning fires consume my lust
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust
Lords of Evil possess and decay
We're RIIIIIISING up today

The wicked pestilence upon my soul
I'm dead on the inside, I'm losing control
Heartless and forsaken, we all join as one

Burning fires consume my lust
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust
Lords of Evil possess and decay
We're RIIIIIISING up today

The wicked pestilence upon my soul
I'm dead on the inside, I'm losing control
Heartless and forsaken, we all join as one

you got what it takes homie. some serious potential going on right there