Symphony X - Nevermore

I dig the cleaner vocals from Russ for sure. Musically, it's pretty Iconoclast...maybe a bit more melodic sounding due to a bit more clean vocal. Overall I like the track but hope it's not the best on the record.

We shall see!
Chorus and solos are pretty good.

Chorus and solos good? Chorus is passable at most and the solo seems like a compilation from Romeo's solos in Iconoclast and PL. Didnt like it at all, but after 10+ listens im starting to like the song as a whole. i understand this is the single so im holding my breath for more complex songs.

I dont like that Iconoclast style fast riffing, it sounds like a scale exercise rather than good riffing.

I think he doesnt play one single half note in the whole song. Its a carpal tunnel waiting to happen for anyone who tries to play the entire song.
decent verses, mediocre chorus.
it's just a single. metal singles are always the worst.
still got some hope for the full album!
The lack of keyboards is the thing that worries me the most. I just don´t get how you as a composer, having as bandmate one of the most underrated keyboardists in prog, just ignore the huge quantity of musical possibilites that are in front of you. Possibilities that were beautifully executed in the first albums of SX. It was part of their sound...

Anyway, when Romeo talked about the album, I got the idea that this will be a diverse album. So I still have some faith in the rest of the songs of "Underworld".
The intro reminded me of Light Up the Night, which I wasn't too thrilled with. I liked the clean vocals on the chorus, but it felt like it was building up to something that never paid off. The solo was solid if not paint by numbers (by Romeo's standards), and hopefully the keyboard/bass will be featured more on the other tracks. Overall, I did like this single more than the End of Innocence/Dehumanized singles, so I'm more optimistic with this than IC.

Also, rhyming Nevermore with Evermore? Genius.
I've tried to make a meaning out of the whole lyrics and i just can't. Not even in the context of the Divine Comedy. Anyone has a clue? I don't want to think it's just rhyming for the sake of rhyming. If you're gonna write crappy lyrics at least make them mean something.
The lack of keyboards is the thing that worries me the most. I just don´t get how you as a composer, having as bandmate one of the most underrated keyboardists in prog, just ignore the huge quantity of musical possibilites that are in front of you. Possibilities that were beautifully executed in the first albums of SX. It was part of their sound...

Anyway, when Romeo talked about the album, I got the idea that this will be a diverse album. So I still have some faith in the rest of the songs of "Underworld".

I feel like based on what's been said this will be more diverse and inclusive of the keys than the last two albums. I remember when End of Innocence came out and the intro was all Pinella everyone was like "return of the keys!!" and we know how that turned out. Pinella is the man and it would be a shame not to utilize his genius further so I am hoping this is the case.
Chorus and solos good? Chorus is passable at most and the solo seems like a compilation from Romeo's solos in Iconoclast and PL.

I like the chorus quite a bit but yeah the solo is not a particularly inspired one for Romeo. The second half of the solo is better than the first half though. I'm sure we will get quite a few good, thought provoking ones on the rest of the album.
I've tried to make a meaning out of the whole lyrics and i just can't. Not even in the context of the Divine Comedy. Anyone has a clue? I don't want to think it's just rhyming for the sake of rhyming. If you're gonna write crappy lyrics at least make them mean something.

Well, I`m actually pleased with the fact that again I don`t know what the hell is going on and I will probably figure it out few months later. I was deciphering Heretic for 11 months and after that time I felt very proud of myself :lol:

In my opinion even the Divine Wings of Tragedy has little to none sense, so it`s nothing new in this band. But this time lyrics are way too childish. The only lines that I really like is "My strings ring hollow" and "Eyes of stone ripping flesh from bone" (even though there should be "hands of stone" or "jaws of stone").
Not happy.
Very disappointed.

I could write a paragraph on why, but it's obvious when I tell you my favourite album of theirs is V.

I just don't get it...
SX, Opeth, PoS... all gone a direction that is nowhere near as good as the previous.
Porcupine Tree disbanded... it's just a sad time for me!

That being said, Leprous is continuing to innovate, Circus' last album was their best and they have a new one on the way... Wolverine's Comm Lost was great, and again, with a new one on the way... there's hope, I guess!
Very much pleased. Awesome song. If this is "The End of Innocence" of "Underworld" (first single, one of the album's worst songs); this may be their best album ever.
I am happy to hear new material, and as usual there are things that I like and thinks I almost hate. I fucking hate the mixing, especially the chorus. I could analyze this to death but I`m just not gonna do it. I love the guitar solos and the fact that there is just more melody in there. I do also LOVE the part in the guitar solo that contains neoclassicism. Typical Bogren sound, nothing special. I do hope that the vocal performance shown in this single is just in this song. Not impressed.
However, the singles presented the two last albums has been weak. This one is significanly better, and if this is the case here, I think we are up for a treat. In some interviews I`ve read, this album is supposed to be more diverse. I do hope so, It would have been absolutely sick to hear a long epic with this aggressive sound.
My personal guess is that we will hear an album somewhere in between Odyssey and Paradise Lost. I`m also guessing that Overture is gonna be their best tune. Hoping to hear more of the album in the near future though. I`m not disappointed with this, so far..