Symphony X pron titles


New Metal Member
Mar 24, 2006
Southern California
Change Symphony X song titles into pron title names.

Here are a few.

1. Cummunion and the Oralcle
2. In the Dragon's Bed
3. Lady of the Blow
4. Rapture or Pain (as is)
5. In the Mouth of Poseidon
6. The Pimping Hour

Please add more if you can think of any good ones.
Well, I have run out of consipracies, and find myself doing nothing else with my time, but stuff like this, making up porn titles. Symphony X is still god.

1.The Rack of Medusa

2.Sea of Guys

There is two more.
This thread is horrible, yet better than ALL threads within the past month. So...........I will submit Assquerade, The Bodyssey, Undressed to Kill, A Winter's Cream Pt 1&2, Blew the Looking Ass, HEgypt, Sinferno.