Symphony X Quiz!!

DrumRman said:
One of your quiz answers is wrong.

Mike LePond was indeed in a band before Symphony X called RATTLEBONE. You have the answer wrong.

This isnt a debatable issue as I have the CD, and pictured in the liner notes is indeed Mike LePond from Symphony X. Scan is available upon request.

I have the CD too, and pictures, and videos, and was at almost every one of their shows. He's been in other bands too.
Yngvai X said:
hate to tell you, but the correct answer to question #3 is actually b, despite what youy put for your quiz. I've spoken to the TiO touring bassist Andy Deluca about this before :p

At the drum clinic, Jason was asked this question and he more or less responded 'b', without going into any detail. He also said he needed time off because he wanted to change the way he listened to music.
I got a pitiful 4/10.

About James LaBrie, I think he was sick when they filmed the Live Scenes in New York DVD.

Listen to Awake or Scenes from A Memory, his performance is virtually flawless all the way through.
well, he must of been sick during the 5 years of a livetime disk aswell, aswell as all the albums recording sessions that came after I&W, and all his recording sessions in his side-progects...,

what a hypocondriach :Smug:
Kate Bush Rules! said:
I got a pitiful 4/10.

About James LaBrie, I think he was sick when they filmed the Live Scenes in New York DVD.

Listen to Awake or Scenes from A Memory, his performance is virtually flawless all the way through.

Its very easy to be virtually flawless in a studio where you can take as many takes as you want and take as much time in between takes as you want. The real test of skill is a live setting, and its clear that James doesn't perform well (tho I admit he's better than he used to be, I think he realizes how to sing smartly live now, as opposed to trying to hit the highest note he can hit whenever he has the chance).