I don't buy it, the reason the new CD is louder is real simple, when they are putting out a CD after mixing, they always do it as loud as possible without clipping, hence the better you EQ it, the louder you can get it overall.
The records before PL were not very full sounding, and the best way to show this visually is not a waveform graph, but in fact a frequency spectrum...
Sea of Lies
You will notice that the red and yellow areas extend much higher in the spectrum for domination. This means that despite the fact that all of the tracks have the same peak volume, domination sounds a lot fuller + richer. Grats to Jens for some awesome EQing.
I don't really buy into this audio fatigue thing, I can listen to necrophagist on repeat endlessly. I put it to you, that you in fact do not like this CD, but want to have some other excuse to not like it that not liking the songs themselves, because you like symphony x's other stuff so much.
personally i think this album rocks, hard.