syqem - the exterminating angel (for fans of tool, porcupine tree etc)


Dec 7, 2008
hey everyone,

we (my band syqem and i) recorded an older song , called:


Syqem - The Exterminating Angel

Heres the Download : Syqem_-_The Exterminating Angel

its somehow on the dreamy side, in no way would i call this metal.
its much more rock orientated. although i hate naming other bands,
maybe somewhere between

tool, meshuggah, porcupine tree, aha

i sing and play the guitar in this band, so any comments on vocals
and guitars will be deleted,
criticism on bass playing and drums highly appreciated :lol:

with the vocals i go for a very natural sound most of the times.
i only use vari audio in spots, where i am totally not satisfied with
my performance. i tend not to beat the life out of the vocals, as i think a lot of singers sound alike these days with autotune overuse.

all edrum - roland td 6
drums were not quantized.
i had to get rid of a lot of wrong triggered notes...
into Superior 2.0

ibanez rg 2228 8 string
Amps : Wagner MK II, Soldano SoloC
Impulses : recabinet free ones

we're currently writing new songs for our first full length album,
reflection of elephants stuff will be a little more progressive...
i will post, when its done.

hope you like it.
thanks for listening! :)
Dude, that first song in your player is outstanding. I'm so burnt out on many of today's metal vocal styles, but this was very refreshing and right up my alley. The music was very cool too, and I like the atmosphere you create in the song. Again, props to you for leaving the cliche vocal bullshit home!

I listened to the 2nd song too. You've definitely got an Anathema vibe going on with the vocals which NEVER sucks! Again, the vocals are ridiculously good. I'm not crazy about the Meshuggahy type stuff that intermittently added in (despite the fact that Destroy Erase Improve is my favorite album ever), but as a whole package, it all works very well. I just like Meshuggah to be Meshuggah. Don't take that the wrong way, please! Your work is top notch.
Dude, that first song in your player is outstanding. I'm so burnt out on many of today's metal vocal styles, but this was very refreshing and right up my alley. The music was very cool too, and I like the atmosphere you create in the song. Again, props to you for leaving the cliche vocal bullshit home!

I listened to the 2nd song too. You've definitely got an Anathema vibe going on with the vocals which NEVER sucks! Again, the vocals are ridiculously good.

splat - thank you very very much for the nice words.
i followed your songs for a while now and to hear this from you means a lot to me! thank you very much. :worship:

some guy on another forum said, i would try to fit a certain genre with my metalcore... i think this guy was an old black metal dude..
whatever :)

song 2 is from our first ep, it was an experiment, using polyrhythms in a more rock orientated song. we dont play this anymore as its ridicoulosly hard to play and sing at the same time.
Wow... just wow. Great song, killer mix in my opinion! I love the vocals too.


thanks man!
some people told me, they find it overcompressed (including my drummer)
its not that loud, goes up to - 9.5 db RMS...

also mp3 is very unforgiving, if you dont master to -3.0 db peak...
which i dont.. maybe i should ;-)

@ splat

yeah, cafe del mar was more of an experiment. we love polyrhythms.
hope we're not heading into the wrong direction.
@ splat

yeah, cafe del mar was more of an experiment. we love polyrhythms.
hope we're not heading into the wrong direction.

I don't think you are heading in the wrong direction. All the etherial stuff you're doing is so unbelievably strong that you can get away with doing the poly stuff. Plus your vocals really seem to have a lot of passion which is very haunting in a way. Completely fucking awesome.

This next part has nothing to do with you at all. Your poly stuff is creative in its own right. :cool: What really gets me is when I hear other bands that are just straight ripping off everything Meshuggah ever did, sometimes note for note and rhythm for rhythm and I get really angry about that. I just know there will be one day where Meshuggah will not get any credit or respect at all. Contradictions, None, DEI, they seriously changed my life because of how fucking good they are. They deserve their own little soap box for what they created. Sounds crazy, but I just love their old work so much.
What really gets me is when I hear other bands that are just straight ripping off everything Meshuggah ever did, sometimes note for note and rhythm for rhythm and I get really angry about that. I just know there will be one day where Meshuggah will not get any credit or respect at all. Contradictions, None, DEI, they seriously changed my life because of how fucking good they are. They deserve their own little soap box for what they created. Sounds crazy, but I just love their old work so much.

I know... same for me.. my life has changed when my girlfriend bought me Fredrik Thordendal Special Defects... and now this one band from england has a song with a saxophone solo over polyrhythms...
same goes for sikth, i loved them... but there are too many bands that sound alike now...

my band and i feel the same. meshuggah have opened a new way of thinking.
bands not developing their own style/songs instead copying them not for note... as soon as it becomes a genre, it basically dies...

again, i'm so happy about your comments! ;-)
@ thedude : if you introduce me to fredrik thordendal then i would basically do anything, harhar :lol: !!

dude, do you like the production? any advice, what makes this
"not pro" sounding (if it does?)

i know a mix is never ever perfect...
still i need a sub for my yamaha hs 80, as i cannot really judge on the low low end.

i wanna record real drums for our next songs. it is edrums, timing is our drummer, no quantizing. though its not really as dynamic as it could be.

for guitars :
i will also try out my diezel einstein with orange cab + I 5 / Sennheiser 906.
though im very happy with the guitars.
first time listen back to a song posted here 5 times in a day, congrats dude! Nice songwriting and great voice ( u got u're own voice and not trying to steal something which is not yours, that's a goal). I see ya have an rg2228 so it's hard to leave the 8 string unthouched but i have to agree with spat bout the meshuggy riffs. Just didn't like the voice effect u've put at the beginning but that's stupid to say i know :_)
Awesome songs!

I would also like to congratulate you for your choice to go with this kind of vocals! (which are amazing btw). I've said it before here in these forums, it's really disappointing how many bands with great musicians and awesome music ruin their songs with brutal/growling vocals.
@ thedude : if you introduce me to fredrik thordendal then i would basically do anything, harhar :lol: !!

dude, do you like the production? any advice, what makes this
"not pro" sounding (if it does?)

i know a mix is never ever perfect...
still i need a sub for my yamaha hs 80, as i cannot really judge on the low low end.

i wanna record real drums for our next songs. it is edrums, timing is our drummer, no quantizing. though its not really as dynamic as it could be.

for guitars :
i will also try out my diezel einstein with orange cab + I 5 / Sennheiser 906.
though im very happy with the guitars.

It sounds "pro". The drums sound very realistic. Even with the soundclick 128kbit compression. I don't know how that's affecting the guitars though.

Oh man, it's very difficult to give advice without making it sound like criticism, and it's not, BUT I'd try to do them guitars through the Herbert. There's something "3D" about a miked cab that'll give it more depth. IMHO.

I'd choose either channel 2, + mode as a starter, add one mic (or both mikes) and find a spot where the high end is smooth, and the mid helps the low end bark. Then I'd play around with the tone controls of the amp until it got in the ball park. Then I'd hit the mid-cut, just a tad and raise the volume of it. Presence and deep at 12 o'clock as a starter too. Oh wait, an Orange cab... Boost some presence. ;)

Or just don't change a thing. Maybe give it to someone to master it. Not for the volume, but for another set of good ears/speakers.

Hmmmm, after listening to this for the millionth time, I can't think of anything I'd change mix-wise. I think the drums sound great and I love the natural feel I'm getting out of them in terms of performance. I really like the guitar sound just the way it is. They are not too pronounced and they're in the pocket to let the vox shine through brilliantly. It may be worth a shot to try and redo the guitars through the Herbert, but I think its hard to just throw in new guitars without mixing the whole song from the ground up. Again, I think it sounds very pro and you may want to just leave it as is!
Hmmmm, after listening to this for the millionth time, I can't think of anything I'd change mix-wise. I think the drums sound great and I love the natural feel I'm getting out of them in terms of performance. I really like the guitar sound just the way it is. They are not too pronounced and they're in the pocket to let the vox shine through brilliantly. It may be worth a shot to try and redo the guitars through the Herbert, but I think its hard to just throw in new guitars without mixing the whole song from the ground up. Again, I think it sounds very pro and you may want to just leave it as is!

Ah, you've become used to every nuance of the song. I've only listened to it 9 times, so I'm completely unbiased. ;)

J/K. :p
Ah, you've become used to every nuance of the song. I've only listened to it 9 times, so I'm completely unbiased. ;)

J/K. :p

No doubt Jocke! I've probably listened too many times and I have become very used to the sound. Regardless, I can't believe how much I love this song.