System of a Down

Tubbs Mcgee said:
s, considering half of the people here love arguing like DIPSHITS because they think they have to be superior to someone else, no matter where they are, even the internet. Wow, that's really retarded.

Yeah, I've noticed that too.

If someone appears to have misunderstood what metal IS, calmly and politely explain to then what they have wrong (peferably supporting it somehow). The sorts of things Thraxz (for example) usually says don't do this.

If they refuse to change (their opinions, mind, etc.) and accept what you have politely told them (and supported), THEN you can start calling them stupid or an idiot (or whatever).

If you don't give people a chance to learn, how are they supposed to?
Tubbs Mcgee said:
If you want to be a dumbass (Not saying you're being one, but I am saying you're being ignorant.) and start a dumbass argument, then go ahead. I see how it is, considering half of the people here love arguing like DIPSHITS because they think they have to be superior to someone else, no matter where they are, even the internet. Wow, that's really retarded.

You're the one who started acting like an elitist faggot because you've been here a few months more than someone else :confused:
Ha! Good one.

"Elitist faggot"

Well, like I said dumbass, if you want to start an argument like a dumbass then go ahead.

And as for being an elitest, I definitely am not.

I was saying how this guy shouldn't come in with 2 guns blazing. But being the dumbass that you are, you don't seem to see what I'm trying to get at.

Well, thanks for leading into my stereotype you damn dumbass.

EDIT: Am I making you mad? Do you want to call me something? Hmm?
anonymouswierdo said:
Yeah, I've noticed that too.

If someone appears to have misunderstood what metal IS, calmly and politely explain to then what they have wrong (peferably supporting it somehow). The sorts of things Thraxz (for example) usually says don't do this.

If they refuse to change (their opinions, mind, etc.) and accept what you have politely told them (and supported), THEN you can start calling them stupid or an idiot (or whatever).

If you don't give people a chance to learn, how are they supposed to?

Oh noez. I didn't bother supporting myself for a 14 year old keyboard warrior! Halp! He'll call me dumb again.
Thraxz said:
Oh noez. I didn't bother supporting myself for a 14 year old keyboard warrior! Halp! He'll call me dumb again.
Hey look everyone! Some idiot by the name of Thraxz is trying to be tough!!!

Seriously, your flaming is funny the first 3000000 times. Now its just a little lame. Either add something constructive or piss off-this thread should've been in non metal, we all know that. If you just want to flame a thread and only post for that, I'm sorry but you're a sad git. I was gonna stay away from replying before, but it seems you are a dick to anyone. Jeez, you're tough on the other side of a computer screen. Hope you get beaten in a dark alley because of your big mouth. And now I wait for your (predictable) reply. Can't wait.

On a side note, this has just become a bashing thread. Is it gonna get back on topic or should we just keep laying into each other?
harryhash said:
Hey look everyone! Some idiot by the name of Thraxz is trying to be tough!!!

Seriously, your flaming is funny the first 3000000 times. Now its just a little lame. Either add something constructive or piss off-this thread should've been in non metal, we all know that. If you just want to flame a thread and only post for that, I'm sorry but you're a sad git. I was gonna stay away from replying before, but it seems you are a dick to anyone. Jeez, you're tough on the other side of a computer screen. Hope you get beaten in a dark alley because of your big mouth. And now I wait for your (predictable) reply. Can't wait.

On a side note, this has just become a bashing thread. Is it gonna get back on topic or should we just keep laying into each other?

terrible post
harryhash said:
Hey look everyone! Some idiot by the name of Thraxz is trying to be tough!!!

Seriously, your flaming is funny the first 3000000 times. Now its just a little lame. Either add something constructive or piss off-this thread should've been in non metal, we all know that. If you just want to flame a thread and only post for that, I'm sorry but you're a sad git. I was gonna stay away from replying before, but it seems you are a dick to anyone. Jeez, you're tough on the other side of a computer screen. Hope you get beaten in a dark alley because of your big mouth. And now I wait for your (predictable) reply. Can't wait.

On a side note, this has just become a bashing thread. Is it gonna get back on topic or should we just keep laying into each other?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
harryhash said:
Hey look everyone! Some idiot by the name of Thraxz is trying to be tough!!!

On a side note, this has just become a bashing thread. Is it gonna get back on topic or should we just keep laying into each other?

Keep laying into each other since SoAD isnt anything to really talk about on a metal forum.. unless you're either A: Bashing them.. or B: Trying to defend them because you know no metal. [shrugs] I'll go with A.
Nag said:
Keep laying into each other since SoAD isnt anything to really talk about on a metal forum.. unless you're either A: Bashing them.. or B: Trying to defend them because you know no metal. [shrugs] I'll go with A.
Hence I said this thread should've been in non-metal, where stuff other than metal is talked about. I'd personally rather people talk about stuff than piss each other off. But hey, some people may be too testosterone driven to acknowledge anyone else's taste in music. Yes this forum is primarily for metal. Does this mean that other stuff can't be MENTIONED? I'm not here to make enemies, but it seems some people are asking for it. I can handle critisism, I'm not pissed off because almost all of you don't like System of a Down. I'm pissed off at some people's net personalities. I'm sure the people in question aren't quite so obnoxious in real life, because if they were they would get their teeth kicked in.

I'm not having a go at you but I can't understand why everyone seems to be spoiling for fights here. People bashing Opeth. People bashing Bathory. Everyone getting so defensive. Can anyone explain this to me? I mean, shit, if you don't like it, don't listen to it! Jesus christ...
Perdition's Light said:
jump off a building now kthxbye

well it's nice to know i'm hated around here. sry but i love system of a down and i hate hearing people talk shit about them. i respect ur right to have an opinion, as i excercise mine.

sry if i pissd u off

fukk all of you :yuk:
I liked System of a Down... When I was a kid.

Some songs are still alright I guess, and they have definetly started making even shittier music lately. I hate how just about everyone at my school is jacking off over that "My dick is bigger than yours" song. Wtf? Are those good lyrics to those people?