T-Racks 3 sale this month ($200/$100 crossgrade)

Sep 17, 2010
New Jersey

I'll tell myself I'll sleep on this, then probably buy the crossgrade immediately in the morning. I've been after a Pultec, but I already have the Fairchild, which seems by far to be the most popular of the bunch, so I'm wondering if the pack would be worth it. Thoughts?

Previous posts on these I found while searching

I've got the Classic Compressor, Classic EQ, Pultec, Fairchild, Opto, Brickwall Limiter, and some CSR Hall reverb.

Classic Compressor: It's pretty decent. Works nicely on busses, but I don't use it much on single tracks. It often ends up on the master bus for some subtle gluing.

Classic EQ: Nothing special, but not bad. I often use it for some wider, subtle changes. Seldom for anything surgical.

Pultec: I love this one. Can't compare it to the real thing, but I don't really care, as this is a really useful, vibey EQ. Works great on cranking the highs before a compressor. For 30€, I'd recommend to grab at least this one.

Fairchild: To be honest, I haven't played around with this one that much. Sounds pretty nice to my ears from my limited testing.

Opto: Great for vocals. Not my go-to (I usually go with BF LA2A and 1176), but still a very nice compressor. It has ended up on some out-of-control guitar tracks, too.

Brickwall Limiter: I'm not a huge fan of this one. Plenty of options, but at least for a mastering limiter, I don't find it that good. A/B'd against L2007, Pro-L, Maxim and FG-X and it has almost always been my last pick.

CSR Hall: I'm not sure if I have even installed this one :lol:
Opto Compressor: Very transparent, smooth, not very aggressive. I need to dig deeper into this one, though. Too many (crappy) plugins to choose from...
Fairchild: Great one. The saturation is sweet. Krank the gain and leave the threshold down (no gain reduction). I like it on vocals on one of the faster (left) time-constant settings.
Clipper: Drive it 2 dB into the red before the 2bus limiter...
Brickwall Limiter: I go back and forth between this (Clean mode only) and the Stillwell Event Horizon+... It might not be the end of all limiters, but I like it so far. Do not go beyond 4 dB of GR max.
Metering: The spectrum analyzer is too small, but the metering is quite nice
Yeah I've got it - I haven't used it on it's own to master anything (I tend to do half the work in my DAW and just use T-Racks for the final touches) but it's worked great so far. The Brickwall Limiter is great, you can really crush things a lot before you get any distortion.
Damn, seems like a pretty good price. I downloaded the demo version last night and tried a few of the plugs (Fairchild, Pultec, and some of the classic ones) and they sound pretty great.

I'm thinking of going with this as well. For $200, seems like a good deal... it would be my first "pro" (I use that term loosely) set of plugs, as all I've been using so far are various freebies (Bootsy, SonEQ, etc) and the stock Reaper plugs. Any reason I shouldn't pull the trigger?
i'm going to wait and see if they're hitting 2000. i have the standard and some of the singles and i don't really need the rest of the deluxe, but if i can get the white comp too then i guess i'm in! :)
I have a review coming up on AGZ for Deluxe next week.

My most used plugin from Standard was the clipper. In deluxe the 670, opto, linear EQ and pultec are excellent, though I haven't had a chance to really play with the others. A lot of the modules in the deluxe bundle can be used in multi-mono and mid-side which can really help in getting clear, wide mixes/masters.

IK makes great stuff, looking forward to seeing what else they add to the T-Racks system.
C'mon sopulurn, help make sure we reach 2000! :Smokedev:

Anyone who is thinking about getting on the T-RackS 3 Deluxe Group Buy but doesn't own any IK products yet can buy either the Balck 76 or White 2A Single to qualify for the crossgrade price, which is like getting a single for free. Then you can pick up the last one for free wen we hit 2000. ;)
C'mon sopulurn, help make sure we reach 2000! :Smokedev:

Anyone who is thinking about getting on the T-RackS 3 Deluxe Group Buy but doesn't own any IK products yet can buy either the Balck 76 or White 2A Single to qualify for the crossgrade price, which is like getting a single for free. Then you can pick up the last one for free wen we hit 2000. ;)

it's a good deal and all, but aren't you guys a little too optimistic about hitting 2000? after all, this product is sort of marginal compared to the offerings of the previous group buys. 1000 would probably get closer to the truth.

anyway, let's hope for the best!
It all depends on how you look at it. In my opinion this is easily the most generous Group Buy promotion we've done for T-RackS 3.

Consider, the last T-RackS 3 Group Buy was a 2 for 1 which went up to 3x1, then to 4x1, and finally ended on 5x1. There is no crossgrade option to speak of for T-RackS 3 Singles, so to get all 10 processors you had to buy 2 singles at $99.99 each. There was of course no guarantee that it would go to 5x1, in fact I don't believe taking it that far was even originally planned. So $199.98 could have gotten you as few as 4 processors, maybe up to 8. No one imagined it could have gotten all 10. And of course these were plugin Singles only, no standalone Deluxe shell.

But now we are starting with the full Deluxe package, which includes the shell and all 10 individual Singles, for just $99.99, right off the bat. That's already half the price of getting all 10 in the last Group Buy. If you don't qualify for the crossgrade price then you don't own any qualifying IK products which means you don't own any T-RackS 3 singles. So to qualify, you can buy the Black 76 or White 2A Single, and now you have 11 T-RackS processors right off the bat for the same price that would have gotten you 10 at the end of the last T-RackS Group Buy. So right out of the gate, this is already a better deal than the fully realized Group Buy from last time around, with ZERO RISK involved in getting it. Buy it now and the savings are already yours.

And all of this is before the Group Buy bonus even kicks in! If we reach 2000, then yet another processor is thrown in for free, which means someone who own absolutely no IK products will be able to walk away with all 12 T-RackS processors currently in existence for under $200. That's like the last T-RackS 3 Group Buy plus another 2 compressors thrown in on top. :headbang:
around 20 registrations left for the first freebie guys.

i seem to remember a lot of people here took on the 'singles' deal IK had some time ago - and i can see some people might feel they don't need this deal... but how about looking at it this way:

1. you can buy this product for the crossgrade price, which is the same as one of the two new singles (black & white) alone. so you get all the modules you're missing except for the new single you don't choose.

2. you probably have individual serials for those singles. buying this gets you a single serial for all of the products. those single serials can be transfered. see where i'm hinting at? you could sell the single registrations away after this deal has ended (at kvr for example) and you might end up paying almost nothing for this deal.

i'm pretty sure this would work but don't quote me on this - check out at your IK account if the serials are separate first. i can't see how this wouldn't work. i have the 670 as a single on my account and it appears transferable.
i'm getting the white 2a because i already got the black 76. paid the full price for it then; can't believe i'm getting the la2a emu plus all the rest for the same price!
I bought the Black 76 in order to get the crossgrade price of $99; so I just picked up the White 2A for the freebie. So, I've got everything now... very impressed, especially for the price.
Great bang for the buck!
the group buy has been extended until the end of March! it's pretty sure to hit 2000 at that time, which means both bonuses :)
the group buy has been extended until the end of March! it's pretty sure to hit 2000 at that time, which means both bonuses :)

Nice! I was going to buy it yesterday, but I decided I don't really have the money to be spending on it right now, when I already have some great plugins. 30 more days gives me plenty of time; plus it's only ~600 people off from getting them all now, so I wouldn't have to choose between Black and White! :D
I think I'm finally going to break down and buy in for the crossgrade. I already have the majority of the original T-Racks 3 singles, minus the Classic Clipper and Multiband Limiter, for $99 and the offer to get both the Black 76 and White 2A for the price of 1 Single it pushes it into a nice deal even if I'm really only getting 4 new plugins.
i went for the crossgrade, kinda rude not to for the price and i dont know of any other RTAS clipper available but the one in T-Racks,
Went for the Black '76 and hoping some more people jump on board so i can have the white 3A too, although i have the UAD 3A im just being greedy :devil: