T3: lets make this the t3 thread..


I'm going to see it Tuesday night at 8! I'm excited just because of how much I thoroughly enjoyed T2. I doubt it lives up to T2 though. Of course, unlike tatooedsean666, I haven't studied this movie at all, I want to see it because I enjoyed the 1st 2, and I haven't been in the fangoria chat room or the T3 web site, so I am going to watch it for all of the wrong reasons I guess. Anyone else have any hopes or aspirations for this movie..
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It has potential......

And all this FANGORIA talk is retarded. FANGORIA was swingin' on JASON X's nuts, so I saw it, and I'm the only one on the board who liked it. I was mocked and ridiculed. :D So I don't trust FANGORIA for good reviews anymore...... :Spin: besides I just read it for the pictures anyway..no wait, that's CHERI and HUSTLER. o_O Damn.
Jason X kicked ass.

I'm terrified of T3. It seems to just be a rehash of T2 but with a girl terminator...who has a name and not a number for some reason they better explain.

They also need to explain why you would send an outdated T-800 back to protect yourself when there are obviously ass kicking T-1000s available.
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All I know is when FREDDY VS JASON hits theaters in AUG. I will be there, by god! It sucks that KANE HODDER isn't portraying Jason anymore though....I thought he did a way better job than anyone else.
Ragamuffin said:
Jason X kicked ass. Yes. Yes it did. :cool:

They also need to explain why you would send an outdated T-800 back to protect yourself when there are obviously ass kicking T-1000s available.

I dunno, but I hear they show the T800 predecessor that is a 10 foot version of Ah-nolds T 800.
Oh my lord, I don't check this board's every post. Did I cause a stir mr. TD? I wasn't giving you shit specifically. I too am alittle nervous about this one. They have waited awhile to make it and that always makes me nervous. Oh I agree about some on that fangoria board, you either have dedicated horror fanatics or people who would think friday the 13 pt 32 would be a good idea.
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tattooedsean666 said:
Oh my lord, I don't check this board's every post. Did I cause a stir mr. TD? I wasn't giving you shit specifically. I too am alittle nervous about this one. They have waited awhile to make it and that always makes me nervous. Oh I agree about some on that fangoria board, you either have dedicated horror fanatics or people who would think friday the 13 pt 32 would be a good idea.
No stir sir, I just wanted you to be a little more specific about what you were saying. Because it sounded like you were saying that anyone who sees a trailer and then goes and views that movie is a tool, I of course know you weren't implying that. :D I know I don't have the time to do prerelease research on every movie or book that I may like, but when I see something out that looks worth my while I read it or watch it. I do go to upcoming movies dot com for some previews, and of course I go to theforce.net everyday five times a day, but that is Star Wars we're talking about.
I guess that is why I prefer Jason, he doesn't say a word, NEVER RUNS BUT ALWAYS CATCHES UP (that always amused/perplexed me) he just kills "bad" teenagers. Seriously, I could probably edit down Friday/13th movies into a teenage morality movie for my students. "Smoke pot, get killed, have pre-marital unprotected sex, get killed, drink beer, get killed, ignore police, get killed, trespass, get killed." Ever notice how the best behaved, most morally sound of the group always lives??? LOL I may have something here. It has to work better than DARE.
Ragamuffin said:
Jason X kicked ass.

I'm terrified of T3. It seems to just be a rehash of T2 but with a girl terminator...who has a name and not a number for some reason they better explain.

They also need to explain why you would send an outdated T-800 back to protect yourself when there are obviously ass kicking T-1000s available.

Because arnie is the man :D :D
I'm definitely going to check out T3 as soon as I get the chance. I liked the first two a lot so I'm hoping this one delivers the goods too.
As for Freddy vs Jason, it sounds like it's going to be corny as hell but I'm sure it'll be entertaining. According to a script I read a while back (don't know if it was legit or not) they're going to portray Jason as kind of a "good guy"
He'd have to send a T800 back to protect himself because imagine trying to kidnap a T1000 and reprogramming it. It would be impossible. I bet it's hard enough kidnapping a T800.
T800's kick arse anyway. They look cool!

And no offense, but Jason X was the worst film I've ever seen and I've seen Edge of Hell. I'm not even gonna watch Jason Vs Freddy. I know how bad it will be.