T3: lets make this the t3 thread..

No offense taken my good man. T3 was the shiznizzle. I went to the 8 pm showing and was soon doing the " Homer/bRaT '' drool as my "action, death and general mayhem" portion of my brain...ok,ok, ALL of my brain was pleased time and time again. Noticably not a Cameron action flick, but worthy of the TERMINATOR legacy. The action was so top notch - it gave me a stiffy.
Now, lets see Ebert beat THAT review! LOL
Go see it.

ps - it was so good, Arnie should retire from action films and make this the cap on his fine repituoire of shoot 'em ups.

I'll be back....in another thread,
This movie was quite good!! No, it wasn't the epic that T2 was and is, but it was a nice epilogue to T2. It fits in well with the other 2. Without giving away too much, basically, unbeknownst to everyone, including John Connor, judgement day is upon us. So with only a few hours left a new Terminator, the T-X comes whoopin' ass. And then comes Arnie. The movie was non stop action, and actually had a good plot. I had read that the ending sucked, but I beg to differ. It was what I wanted. It could provide closure, or they could go into the wars if they ever wanted to do a T4. I can only imagine how awesome this film would have been if James Cameron hadn't of declined to do it. Oh well, it is still a VERY GOOD film. :cool:
Well I'm a massive Arnie fan and the 2 Terminator films ruled! I can't wait to see the 3rd one.
Arnie get's too much bad press these days. He was the man, is the man and always will be the man! ARNIE ULES!
He also RULES!
Holy shit, are you kidding me? Kane Hodder isn't Jason anymore? I also place my bets on fuckin' Vorhees, Freddy is a joke! Also, he could kill Jason only in case he dreams, and as far as I'm concerned, Jason needs no sleep!
I don't get the whole Kane Hodder thing. He's a stuntman not an actor and he's only been Jason four out of ten times.

Anybody can be Jason.
TD said:
This movie was quite good!! No, it wasn't the epic that T2 was and is, but it was a nice epilogue to T2. It fits in well with the other 2. Without giving away too much, basically, unbeknownst to everyone, including John Connor, judgement day is upon us. So with only a few hours left a new Terminator, the T-X comes whoopin' ass. And then comes Arnie. The movie was non stop action, and actually had a good plot. I had read that the ending sucked, but I beg to differ. It was what I wanted. It could provide closure, or they could go into the wars if they ever wanted to do a T4. I can only imagine how awesome this film would have been if James Cameron hadn't of declined to do it. Oh well, it is still a VERY GOOD film. :cool:
Again, without giving up too much about the plot or movie, I agreed with you about the possible T4. And it seems it was setup where Ahnold doesn't have to be in it. Good movie. I liked it. I'd watch it again and I must say, I will be buying it on DVD when it does come out. A little short of a movie though, but it didn't seem short while watching it.
I liked it because it WASN'T like the 2nd.

IMO, I prefered the original because it was a dark story. While the 2nd had excellent effects and action (while the original is...dated to say the least), it wasn't nearly the storyline the original was. It resembled too much of the original. I think I am in the minority with this POV, since many like the 2nd, but whatever.

The 3rd followed the dark storyline of the 1st. The writers didn't cop out on ending the story a la happy ending-style, instead, wrote it per the integrity of the franchise. I appreciate that.

And not to mention--I want that crane! Toyota is making a T3 Tundra, I hear. But I left the movie thinking how cool it would be to plow shit into the crane.
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Well, they did set it up for Arnie to skip a 4th installment, but I liked how he told John Connor thad they'd meet again. ANYONE who saw this movie KNOWS what happens when John MEETS this terminator in the future. A lady was saying that he'll be in another one b/c of what he said. I'm thinking no. Just think about it.

and Kane Hodder was physically bigger than anyone else to play Jason - very ominous. Also, this guys eyes through his mask made you feel sorry for, and root for Jason. The character of Jason is ALL in the eyes. Thats the only part that looks alive anymore.

but I'm either making sense or scaring all of you w/ my level of fandom for Kane Hodder jason movies.....
awesome im gonan go see t3, i always like to wait for the peanut gallery to chime in because we all have simlilar interests. jason x i liked, i cant say i like it as a film but i just like movies with people getting wasted in highly unlikely ways where there are circumstances set up that would hardly ever be there, such as when i saw my good old freind mike myers a few days ago on hbo, hmm im huntin this chick down in a barn! how do i kill her?! no....not w/ a scythe, no not the goddamn hammers, YES! YES! THIS LITTLE SPIKE RACK THING THAT HAS A POWER BUTTON TO MAKE THE SPIKES SWIVEL AND HAVE HER RITHE IN PAIN! see, now if you saw the curse of michael myers, youd know what i was talking about(i think thats the name) its so funny to me to see shit like that(in cinema where its way faked, but in reality shit like that disgusts me and makes me want to mosh serial killers into the ground)
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Buddy_Love_Bomb said:
i have Freddy Vs Jason on dvd already, got it off E-bay for 30 bucks.. Not to bad, "Every Town Has an Elm Street" HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA

Dude...for real...sell me a copy
GregadetH said:
Well, they did set it up for Arnie to skip a 4th installment, but I liked how he told John Connor thad they'd meet again. ANYONE who saw this movie KNOWS what happens when John MEETS this terminator in the future. A lady was saying that he'll be in another one b/c of what he said. I'm thinking no. Just think about it.

and Kane Hodder was physically bigger than anyone else to play Jason - very ominous. Also, this guys eyes through his mask made you feel sorry for, and root for Jason. The character of Jason is ALL in the eyes. Thats the only part that looks alive anymore.

but I'm either making sense or scaring all of you w/ my level of fandom for Kane Hodder jason movies.....
My brother was looking up stuff for Lord of the Rings and said he came across something for a T4.
I saw T3 during the weekend and I was blown away by it. After the first action scene, I was already anticipating the day that I can have this baby on DVD. The original Terminator is my favorite movie of all time, I love how Schwarzennegger just kills with no remorse, it is an all time classic. I loved the 2nd one as well, I remember how revolutionary the special effects were when the film came out. However, I wasn't looking forward to T3 that much because I thought that the series' time had passed and I also wasn't looking forward to a female terminator, so I thought that it might suck, but I was wrong. I think that this director did a better job than Cameron in T2, and if they make a T4, I'll be the first one in line...if you liked Terminator, or T2, don't miss this movie, you'll be sorry!
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ThinkAboutYourEnd said:
I saw T3 during the weekend and I was blown away by it. After the first action scene, I was already anticipating the day that I can have this baby on DVD. The original Terminator is my favorite movie of all time, I love how Schwarzennegger just kills with no remorse, it is an all time classic. I loved the 2nd one as well, I remember how revolutionary the special effects were when the film came out. However, I wasn't looking forward to T3 that much because I thought that the series' time had passed and I also wasn't looking forward to a female terminator, so I thought that it might suck, but I was wrong. I think that this director did a better job than Cameron in T2, and if they make a T4, I'll be the first one in line...if you liked Terminator, or T2, don't miss this movie, you'll be sorry!
When's it come out on dvd? jk....I so cannot wait to get it on dvd...I need to get the first on dvdtill, I have the 2nd one.
Riehlthing said:
When's it come out on dvd? jk....I so cannot wait to get it on dvd...I need to get the first on dvdtill, I have the 2nd one.

Dude, you need to get "The Terminator- Special Edition" DVD. The making of feature kicks so much ass!
ThraxDude said:
Dude, you need to get "The Terminator- Special Edition" DVD. The making of feature kicks so much ass!

That was boss! What the hell would that movie had been like if they used Lance Henrickson as the TERMINATOR and Arnie as REESE?
Prolly still a damn fine movie...

Get the T2 EXtreme DVD. The one in the tin can....it's got lots of cool pc shit...Along w/ interesting interviews, one is w/ Peter Jackson. He gives T2 cred. for LOTR.