T3: lets make this the t3 thread..

GregadetH said:
Get the T2 EXtreme DVD. The one in the tin can....it's got lots of cool pc shit...Along w/ interesting interviews, one is w/ Peter Jackson. He gives T2 cred. for LOTR.

They have 3 versions of the T2 DVD. I have the Ultimate Edition. It's the one in the metal sleeve.
I hate when they keep re-releasing DVDs! Like X-Men 1.5
They should send the re-releases to everyone who bought the first, or second release. Fuckers!
ThraxDude said:
I hate when they keep re-releasing DVDs! Like X-Men 1.5
They should send the re-releases to everyone who bought the first, or second release. Fuckers!

The way I see it, they figured out a way to seperate me from $20 twice, good for them as that's not very easy to do.
Ragamuffin said:
The way I see it, they figured out a way to seperate me from $20 twice, good for them as that's not very easy to do.
I think I'll wait a few years to buy DVDs when I know there's gonna be a sequel. They always re-release it around the time the sequel comes out.
Then I'll only spend $20 once, those cock-grabbers...
I know...I have the metallic cover version...but then they came out with another version recently, I don't have that.
I get both versions usually of stuff like that, and maybe give one version to a friend or something.
ThraxDude said:
They have 3 versions of the T2 DVD. I have the Ultimate Edition. It's the one in the metal sleeve.
I hate when they keep re-releasing DVDs! Like X-Men 1.5
They should send the re-releases to everyone who bought the first, or second release. Fuckers!

If this were a pissing contest, I'd tell tou that my brand new extreme version was released last month w/ tons of shit your ultimate edition don't have.

But it's not. So i wont.
well damn...you got me there. There is no comeback for I know you are, but what am I. The vicious cycle will only conyinue if I say...

I know YOU are but what am I?