some one haves the Children Of Bodom-Bed oF nails from Alice Gooper
Guitar pro tab?
does anyone have a full version of Rebel Yell?
Yo peeps, do you think it'd be kinda interesting to all try and change the style of a Bodom song, like Arcane did??
He did an acoustic version of Hate Me and I've started (probably won't finish) an orchestral version of SNBN and Lake Bodom. They sounded great at first but now I'm not so sure because I didn't really put much effort into them. I pretty much just used the tabs as a template and used different sounds instead of guitars. :Spin:
Let's hear what you guys got!!!
I just checked and there is only 3 powertabs, which is weird.
Yo peeps, do you think it'd be kinda interesting to all try and change the style of a Bodom song, like Arcane did??
He did an acoustic version of Hate Me and I've started (probably won't finish) an orchestral version of SNBN and Lake Bodom. They sounded great at first but now I'm not so sure because I didn't really put much effort into them. I pretty much just used the tabs as a template and used different sounds instead of guitars. :Spin:
Let's hear what you guys got!!!
my hate me acoustic version
ah... it sounds much better with gp.5
Those are cool! I liked the SNBN because it was different, yet at the same time, the same![]()
sounds cool, but its really different comparing my version.... try to slow down the speed and change it into 'normal' acoustic chords...