Not really a good thing to say when you're requesting a tab, considering it takes our TIME and EFFORT to work them out AND then tab them into GP and make them sound as accurate as possible.
I have no problem doing it and I'll give it a listen but it just makes it sound like you can't be bothered even trying when you say that and it might put someone off trying to tab it for you because, well, they're just too lazy. Just a bit of advice and I hope you understand what I mean.![]()
i think i might try lol
@ warheart: plz dont add my sinergy tab until im ready with it.
Oh wow, sorry man I didn't mean to disrespect all you guys in this thread. You guys do fantastic work, and I'm really appreciative of all the stuff you guys make! I'm really not that lazy, I can tab a lot of stuff I just can't tab things that use a lot of tremolo on Guitar Pro. I can never get them to sound even close to correct. So I really didn't mean to sound like an lazy asshole to you guys, and I appreciate any help you guys give me. Thanks!
Go for it!!
Okey doke.
That's cool dude.At least you asked in a decent manner. Some people just post once and it's like:
"tab xxxxx for me" or
"hi im looking for a tab of xxxxx"
And it's like, hi, no please or thanks?
But yeah, I'll give it a listen.
Hey thanks a lot man! I'm working on a tab of Lead Us To War, so I'll try and post some of it soon. I also started a tab of Shadow Island, so I'll keep you posted.![]()
Awesome. Dya wanna upload the Shadow Island one since I started one too and I'd like to compare.If not, that's perfectly fine.
yousendit or sendspace work fine.
I only did the intro. Someone here asked for it and so I did it quickly in about 10 minutes.
That actually sounded quite like it but it was a very weird way of tabbing imo.
When I saw the 16th notes, I though it was going to sound terrible but you actually make it sound like it because of the drums. To me, it sounds like 8th triplets though, that's why I said it was "weird". Good job though!!![]()
Nah me neither. I even left that last bar out in my tab too. It sounds like something on the low strings that's palm muting as as you said, a harmony so it's hard to hear. I might try and continue with my tab some day too but good luck on yours!!!
That solo in "Wake up in Hell", is it the one at 01:17??
Both the solos in this, 01:20 and 04x are awesome. I might actually tab this whole song soon if I can.
Oh yeah.!!!! You even told me the time and I completely forgot. I just listened to both solos and there was bar use in the first so I thought that instead. I might tab the solo(s) first and then do the song around it so you do any part you like.
i have a Request for Epi or some one Else that plays so good als Epi
can you make an Little Video of your Self Playing In the Shadows... i can use it for 2 things 1 is for a project for school and 2 is for myself to learn the song a little better
thanks !
Hi d00des!
I tabbed the third solo from 'Wake up in Hell'. The solos of that song are
quite nice. Dunno about the fingerings but this should be pretty much correct.
Oh and, nice job on the second solo tab Mitch!