TAB Thread.

I'm gonna freak out...
I was playin the TW TouchlAoD intro and fell in Love with these powerchords Alexi plays after the AH at Fret 17 (0:22). But in cant see a pattern why he plays this specific powerchord and i can't find the powerchord which would have come next when alexi didn't play the melody as well.


Cocaine is a helluva drug.
I'm using this tab no matter if it's right or wrong.
In bar 9 Alexi starts with D5 as a basic and A#5.
In bar 10 there's a F5 and a C5. Afterwards he plays the melody but an octave lower than Alexander. Allright?
My question: Which powerchord would have come next if Alexi didn't start with this harmonics?
man the intro of touched like an angel of death on the tokyo warhearts is insane...has any1 tabbed that out? thats just too sexy an intro i must say...
man the intro of touched like an angel of death on the tokyo warhearts is insane...has any1 tabbed that out? thats just too sexy an intro i must say...

Its called "Hummel gets the Rocket" by Hans Zimmer,
he's a modern composer who does a load of film scores like Gladiator and stuff,his stuff sounds awesome on guitar,I wish Bodom still did that intro before TLAOD nowadays,

Fucking hell Mitch didn't know you did all those Paul Gilbert tabs/BT,
they are greately appreciated:notworthy

oh and forgot to say,Thanks Altitudes for the Jason becker/Death/Emperor tabs you posted a couple of weeks ago,
I'm using this tab no matter if it's right or wrong.
In bar 9 Alexi starts with D5 as a basic and A#5.
In bar 10 there's a F5 and a C5. Afterwards he plays the melody but an octave lower than Alexander. Allright?
My question: Which powerchord would have come next if Alexi didn't start with this harmonics?

Actually, these chords are reffered to what they would be in standard tuning too. So the "D5" is actually called an E5, because that's what it'd be in E tuning. You just say Ale plays an E5, tuned a whole step down.

So the chord progression is Emin, C, G, D. You can see what chords Alexi would have played if he didn't play the harmonic if you just look at what the bass is playing.

The progression doesn't change at all in this intro, only transposes up a whole step from Emin to F#min and then back down to Emin.
Michael Romeo - The Guitar Chapter Exercises *COMPLETE*

*flop* *exhaust* *etc.*

Btw, Mitch, the song transcriptions weren't included in your PDF. Do you have them somewhere else?

:lol: Why did you take the time to transfer the tab from the magazine to guitar pro? Seems like a lot of work for nothing really, unless you practice with the speed loop effect.

I don't believe the yg magazine came with song transcriptions, just examples. The video includes demonstrations of the songs.
warsomethingorother said:
man im so like, unbothered by that something or other and not editing shit even tho this is going to take me more effort that its worth but WHATEVER AM TEH NO EDIT JOO AM SUX MAAAAH![/rant][/AMG][/SUX!!!]
Yeah, if you wanna fuck about, piss off to off-topic. I try helping people out by uploading scanned pdf's to save you time and this is what I get.