TAB Thread.

Well, it didn't seem like you were trying to be funny, more like you were offeneded by my act of laziness (not quoting Altitudes properly), therefore mocking me by doing it to me.

Anyway, I've updated 2 tabs over the past 2 days so I'll upload those to get this thread back on topic.

Annihilator - Downright_Dominate _Intro_&_Solos
Sinergy - To Hell And Back - 03 - Lead Us To War

Good job on the Michael Romeo tab too.

yeah well sorry if i came off like a dick. i wasn't trying to be antagonistic.

But thanks for the annihilator tab. same stuff that Arcane attempted earlier?
Same stuff, yeah. If you check the first post, I stopped during the solo and I only updated it a little further last night.

The LUTW tab, I've done bars 40-101 today. I thought I might aswell just go through the album and tab them in order otherwise I'll never have the motivation to finish any of 'em.
Is it me or does the arpeggio section in LUTW sound similar to the one in Scarified? Love that intro in LUTW, sounds grim with the keys.
Is it me or does the arpeggio section in LUTW sound similar to the one in Scarified? Love that intro in LUTW, sounds grim with the keys.

It is, yeah.

And you do realise that the Downright Dominate solos were played by Alexi, right? That's why I tabbed an Annihilator song.
It is, yeah.

And you do realise that the Downright Dominate solos were played by Alexi, right? That's why I tabbed an Annihilator song.

Yeah, I remember when arcane tabbed it a while back. Why else would he have attempted it if Alexi didn't play on it?:lol: You can hear Alexi's style in the solo, it is pretty apparent.
i know this isn't a norther forum but i want guitar pro tabs for them anyone know where i can find any? ultimate-guitar doesn't have any good ones.

Well that does seem to be the only tab site still up on the net.

I've also found that using your own ears help a lot as well. Try to tab it first, then ask, even if it is only a couple bars.
Tab 'em yourself then aye.

I've also updated Gallowmere and might do a few others tomorrow. I'll post them when I'm done. I'll probably post my tab of Sinergy's Rock You Like A Hurricane cover.
Actually got a question warheart,Do you have perfect pitch or do you listen to a song and then play along trying to figure out or do you mess around with guitar pro until it sounds right???Just curious???
like shredtastical said not everyone gas your gift if i could tab them out i wouldn't be asking.

Dude, just try and you'll be suprised with what you can do. There are 11 notes along the 6th string that the song could start with. You're bound to find the first note within 11 tries, amirite?

All you have to do is use trial and error for every chord/note until you have a complete riff. If you can provide proof that you've tried tabbing one in GP4, then I might feel like helping. I'm not doing anything for anyone if they just say "can u tab this for me" and that's it.

I tabbed "Nothing" before, but it's only the intro.

I've never liked Norther but I might download some stuff and see if I can get into them a bit. Same with Wintersun.

This could be of some use :D

I just noticed the first riff in Lead Us To War is almost EXACTLY like the lead riff in Norther - No Way Back :O

Orly? I might check that out.

Actually got a question warheart,Do you have perfect pitch or do you listen to a song and then play along trying to figure out or do you mess around with guitar pro until it sounds right???Just curious???

I don't have perfect pitch, nah but I sometimes think I have like 1% of it. I can usually recognise a C, E and Amin chord whenever I hear them in any random song, someone playing a piano or whatever. Apart from that, I do have to sit and work stuff out.

I almost always have a guitar to mess about on when I'm tabbing otherwise it could double the time that it takes to finish something and I don't want that since it takes me long enough as it is. I get bored and distracted after like 30minutes nowadays. I've tabbed a Paul Gilbert related song with just my ears and no guitar but it wasn't that hard to play so there wasn't anything that I needed a guitar for, I just used my theory knowledge and figured out what's coming next.
I've never liked Norther but I might download some stuff and see if I can get into them a bit. Same with Wintersun.

I really thought you would have loved Wintersun.. to me nothing comes close. You heard Starchild? The Lyrics/vocals in that are something else, especially near the end!

Norther, you can't go wrong with any of their first 3 albums... damn i love Norther (if you hadn't already noticed :P)
I think I've heard Starchild, yeah. I had their album once but never really like any of the songs.

I listened to No Way Back and you're right, it's exactly the same melody except that end bit. I didn't notice it at first because it's a keyboard and it's a bit slower.