TAB Thread.

When I'm on the Now Playing screen, the only tabs that I see on top are Library, Rip, Burn, and Sync. where are you finding "amelioration"?
Not sure where this amelioration is either but to slow them down in WMP you can use ctrl+shift+s to slow a song to 50% and ctrl+shift+n to get it back to normal. This is what I use, and I think this is only on the latest version of WMP. On that part of Laid to Rest I probably wouldn't slow it down personally, but whatever works to get the right notes. Usually I will try to tab everything in normal speed, and slow it down if it's too difficult, or to verify something.
For those who use Adobe Audition, do you know if there is a method to change the track (like to ear more the rythm guitars), but to ear more the bass ? and to ear more the key's chords ?
Haemlock: Could you upload a RAR archive of all CoB tabs you have done? I really like your tabs and would like a convenient way of separating your tabs from the billion other tabs done by Warheart and Arcane (which are also top notch!) on my computer, thanks

About your question regarding hearing certain intrument tracks better: I am not familiar with Adobe Audition, but you can pan the left or right tracks in WMP, Audacity, or any other audio program/daw and then adjust the eq settings (add bass and cut high frequencies to hear bass and visa versa to hear keyboard voicings better).
Above "Now Playing Screen" there is a little arrow, click on it you'll see "ameliorations"
I guess we have different version of WMP. For me, I had to click the little arrow under "now playing" and then click Enhancements > Play Speed Settings. But I found it, thanks :)
Not sure where this amelioration is either but to slow them down in WMP you can use ctrl+shift+s to slow a song to 50% and ctrl+shift+n to get it back to normal. This is what I use, and I think this is only on the latest version of WMP. On that part of Laid to Rest I probably wouldn't slow it down personally, but whatever works to get the right notes. Usually I will try to tab everything in normal speed, and slow it down if it's too difficult, or to verify something.

this works too. thanks :)
Haemlock: Could you upload a RAR archive of all CoB tabs you have done? I really like your tabs and would like a convenient way of separating your tabs from the billion other tabs done by Warheart and Arcane (which are also top notch!) on my computer, thanks
just wait a few days please because I'm correcting some tabs and I dont want to send tabs that are not verified, I've finished the Hatebreeder tab but I have to correct some stuff in DOwnfall (mainly the keyboard), and I'm correcting the both RLIME songs wich I've already done in the past, and I'm also finishing a CoD tab (with some stuff that Fret tabbed, I've done all the keyboard stuff)
You can only mute different frequences in Adobe, so you can't crack an mp3 up into all of the instruments. What you can do is to mute the vocals and the leads or the just the rythms, keys and drums - all instruments which are panned left and right. Just experiment a little bit with center channel extractor.
Red Light in my Eyes, Part 2
I've corrected and verified my previous tab, maybe some mistakes in the outro for the lead bar (sounds like a chromatic scale but some notes are played 2 times)
As I can't hear clearly the bass, it is copied on the guitar
I think the drums are not accurate (I didn't tab them)
And the keyboard sounds good, but maybe few mistakes in the classical bridge.

In the Shadows
I've corrected a lot of stuff, maybe some parts wrong in the outro for the guitars, because we can't hear clearly these parts.
bass copied on the guitars, and I didn't correct the drums

I will tab Towards Dead End & Children of Bodom in Early Versions soon, and finish the corrections of RLIME1 ... maybe after that I will tab the Nail.

Quick question :

Whilst recording, Backing track or original song?

Backing Track
Pros :
- Sounds a lot nicer and cleaner
- Somewhat higher quality
- Guitar is removed obviously, so it's just you
- You don't really have to be exactly on time, and you can be slightly different in the way you play
- Backing track may not be good quality, timing etc
- Requires

Real song
- Timing is ofc a lot better
- Truer to the original
- May be annoying for tuning
- Lower quality
- May not be able to hear your guitar well - Or you hide behind the real solo, and mistakes are not heard

Any final decisions on Backing track or Real song, I know that Mitch etc uses the real things.

And that most other use the guitar pro midi's playing (which sound horrible ;D)
Is there a way to get more midi devices? I have a laptop that I just installed GP on, but the only option for devices is Microsoft GS Wavetable synth which sounds horrible. I don't know much about this, but is there another synth or something you can download and use?
Because there are some already somehow accurate tabs on the net so the guys have dedicated their time to correcting/tabing songs with unexistent/wrong tabs. If you had gone to the first page of the thread and dedicate 3 minutes of your life to rea to the first post you'd know ;)
I'm going to be busy with school starting back up, so I figured I would post what I have done on Children of Decadence. I've been kinda lazy getting the drums done, so that's the only thing missing. Someone can finish them off, or I might finish them sometime when I have a chance. Well anyways here it is