TAB Thread.

I'll use a backing track if I can find a fucking AWESOME one, but sadly, that's very rare!! But some artists release their songs without guitars so that's great, but there are only 3 official COB backing tracks, which is a shame!

I would just judge by the quality and also what you want to do in your cover. If you're just doing a note for note, go over the song, but turn it down a bit so your guitar is hearable. But if you want to change loads of things to make it more "you", then use the backing track.

Would you consider the ones you've posted to be of high quality :)

And which songs were released as backing tracks? :|

And what happened to your youtube account, it's suspended :mad:

3 questions, :)
Would you consider the ones you've posted to be of high quality :)

And which songs were released as backing tracks? :|

And what happened to your youtube account, it's suspended :mad:

3 questions, :)

1. Yes and no. The quality is great, but the actual sounds aren't exactly realistic. DKFH is better, but I don't have it.

2. Towards Dead End, Warheart, Children Of Bodom.

3. It was suspended due to a live video of Through the Fire and Flames I had up. It had been up there for like 3 years, so I'm pretty pissed off.
hey guys,
will anyone, or is anyone doing the tabs for skeletons in the closet?
That would be pretty cool because I am really into the hell is for children solo =)

I was thinking about to tab the complete album cause I do also want to play or cover a lot of those songs but I don't think that I have the time for a complete album. Maybe I will do a few songs
I was thinking of doing the new covers. The old ones have mostly been done, but it'd be an idea to start a new section in the first post for song covers and correct the tabs on ultimate guitar.

Edit: I've just created a new section in the first post. I will add all the covers ever recorded by COB there soon and will start correcting them if needed. I'll do the new ones too, when I have time. I'm going to be doing alot of overtime soon, so won't be in, but hope to get this sorted.
Ben's tab is in the Blooddrunk section.

And yes, I still need to do all those, but need to be looked at. Give it time. :D

EDIT: I've downloaded the Aces High tab from Ultimate Guitar, and corrected a few things in the guitars and changed the tones, drums, dynamics, panning etc. It's in the first post now. There are a few bars missing where it's really difficult to tab, but I will come back to it another time.

EDIT 2: I've downloaded the Ghostriders in the Sky tab and I'm now sorting out the drums (wrong) and the wrong time signatures. There's only one guitar, and there're parts missing when there should be at least two guitars, so I'll finish that tomorrow, hopefully.

Thanks to 'Hellhounds On My Trail' for that video link, it's a good vid, shame he only did the one song.
I was looking at the Mask of Sanity tab and saw some things wrong with the guitar solo (the dual solo sounds correct as far as I can tell).

Mask of Sanity Guitar Solo

The notes are correct, but you tabbed it how it would be played live, whereas I did it with two guitars playing off of each other, because you can hear the panning of two.

Wow thanks a lot mate! i was realy looking forward to learn this solo. :kickass:

No problem. Hope you enjoy it. :kickass: