TAB Thread.

COBHC Rayza said:
lol, bed of nails. Mitch, I know you are busy but did you get around to taking a look at that youtube link I posted of Angels Don't Kill? Good work with ETID btw guys, its a mean tab

I will aim to get it done this week, maybe even today!!

HAemlock said:
Red Light in my Eyes, Part 2
I've corrected and verified my previous tab, maybe some mistakes in the outro for the lead bar (sounds like a chromatic scale but some notes are played 2 times)
As I can't hear clearly the bass, it is copied on the guitar
I think the drums are not accurate (I didn't tab them)
And the keyboard sounds good, but maybe few mistakes in the classical bridge.

In the Shadows
I've corrected a lot of stuff, maybe some parts wrong in the outro for the guitars, because we can't hear clearly these parts.
bass copied on the guitars, and I didn't correct the drums

I will tab Towards Dead End & Children of Bodom in Early Versions soon, and finish the corrections of RLIME1 ... maybe after that I will tab the Nail.

Cool cheers, I will add them to the first post. I haven't checked them with the song bar for bar, but we can do that soon.

zezikaro said:

Quick question :

Whilst recording, Backing track or original song?

Backing Track
Pros :
- Sounds a lot nicer and cleaner
- Somewhat higher quality
- Guitar is removed obviously, so it's just you
- You don't really have to be exactly on time, and you can be slightly different in the way you play
- Backing track may not be good quality, timing etc
- Requires

Real song
- Timing is ofc a lot better
- Truer to the original
- May be annoying for tuning
- Lower quality
- May not be able to hear your guitar well - Or you hide behind the real solo, and mistakes are not heard

Any final decisions on Backing track or Real song, I know that Mitch etc uses the real things.

And that most other use the guitar pro midi's playing (which sound horrible ;D)

I'll use a backing track if I can find a fucking AWESOME one, but sadly, that's very rare!! But some artists release their songs without guitars so that's great, but there are only 3 official COB backing tracks, which is a shame!

I would just judge by the quality and also what you want to do in your cover. If you're just doing a note for note, go over the song, but turn it down a bit so your guitar is hearable. But if you want to change loads of things to make it more "you", then use the backing track.

WildDime said:
What happened to the everytime I die tab? Sorry if this has been answered but there are too many posts to read through.

I added the final one to the first post now.

CoBlooddrunk said:
Lake Bodom with keyboard solo.

This is the tab on the first page with keyboard solo.

Wow dude, this is AWESOME! Very well done, sounds good to me!

One thing I noticed though, is that Epi's LB tab is how he plays it (I've seen a vid). We don't actually have a 100% true to the original version, as of yet.

NeedledDude said:
Anyone have tab for Pain song Just Think Again where Alexi did his freakin amazing solo??? (Truly 1 of the best i EVER heard ;O)

No one has ever tabbed it, but it's been requested here quite a few times. Maybe I should try it.
Is the tab fro bed of razors corrected or you want to change anything?? becuase i'm thinking of learning it!

I had a quick look at it now, and I tihnk there's a few things I could change. I've got alot on at the moment, so I'm only at the computer for a while, but I will see if I can do it tonight when the day is over.
Sorry if this has been asked before, but has anyone tabed with GP the cover song "Shot In The Dark" ? It's original ozzy's song, with CoB covering it.

Great thread, and I have had it favorited for long, thanks for all the great tabs :)
I will aim to get it done this week, maybe even today!!

Cool cheers, I will add them to the first post. I haven't checked them with the song bar for bar, but we can do that soon.

I'll use a backing track if I can find a fucking AWESOME one, but sadly, that's very rare!! But some artists release their songs without guitars so that's great, but there are only 3 official COB backing tracks, which is a shame!

I would just judge by the quality and also what you want to do in your cover. If you're just doing a note for note, go over the song, but turn it down a bit so your guitar is hearable. But if you want to change loads of things to make it more "you", then use the backing track.

I added the final one to the first post now.

Wow dude, this is AWESOME! Very well done, sounds good to me!

One thing I noticed though, is that Epi's LB tab is how he plays it (I've seen a vid). We don't actually have a 100% true to the original version, as of yet.

No one has ever tabbed it, but it's been requested here quite a few times. Maybe I should try it.

eh.. its sad that i am not skilled enough to tab solo. but anyways if you will try tab it good luck with it m8! :kickass:
Awesome as, thanks heaps Mitch. Sorry I didn't know Bed Of Nails was a song... i suck lol

With that Pain song I am happy I now know the name cus Alexi was asked in an interview (that you've probably all seen) what his best solo is. He said that one I did for Pain. Too bad that solo wasn't used in a Bodom song
Awesome as, thanks heaps Mitch. Sorry I didn't know Bed Of Nails was a song... i suck lol

With that Pain song I am happy I now know the name cus Alexi was asked in an interview (that you've probably all seen) what his best solo is. He said that one I did for Pain. Too bad that solo wasn't used in a Bodom song

Indeed.. This solo would be just perfect for new album.. for song like Angels Dont Kill or Banned.. :waah:
And its good that he mentioned it on interview coz i probably never would hear that peace of art :kickass:
Listening to the Pain song now, solo is comming up :D

Edit: just heard it for the first time.... its cool but I didn't get blown away. Punch Me I Bleed has a better solo in my opinion, Banned From Heaven second solo, Kissing the fucking shadows! Its cool but like, not his best IMO!
Listening to the Pain song now, solo is comming up :D

Edit: just heard it for the first time.... its cool but I didn't get blown away. Punch Me I Bleed has a better solo in my opinion, Banned From Heaven second solo, Kissing the fucking shadows! Its cool but like, not his best IMO!

Well yea.. maybe if you compare to all these KTS solos, but this is something different. You know its kinda slower than other his solos and deeper or smthn.. i dont how to explain but its just my opinion :kickass:
Well yea.. maybe if you compare to all these KTS solos, but this is something different. You know its kinda slower than other his solos and deeper or smthn.. i dont how to explain but its just my opinion :kickass:

Nah thats a great explanation actually, I see what you mean. I just have more favourite Bodom solos than the Pain one