TAB Thread.

I was bored this evening so I made a quick attempt at the "Waiting" cover intro. Took me like few minutes so its got to have some mistakes.

Nice! I've not even heard this, so it's new to me. Cheers. :kickass:

Edit: I just heard it on YouTube, it's an old (1999-2001) sound, AWESOME!!! The riff at 00:41 is fucking Kick ASS and his vocals are the BEST.

No one has done a tab of the CRY hcdr yet???


What's the point???
And I actually think someone tabed it. But yeah, it's pretty easy to figure out, even I could do it, and I suck at tabing and figuring out stuff.

Nice update Mitch!

@Epi: Arcane said it alreadym but really nice new pic! Will we get to see some vids of you playing your new RL?
hey guys, check this out. I'm aranging downfall for the heavey metal string group i'm going to start at my college. I didn't use another tab I wanted to do it from scratch myself. Tell me what you think.

I don't what tlo think about it... maybe you should use the help of the tab on first page cause I can see a few wrong notes. But it could also be that the shitty tone of guitar pro make it sound bad:)
I don't what tlo think about it... maybe you should use the help of the tab on first page cause I can see a few wrong notes. But it could also be that the shitty tone of guitar pro make it sound bad:)

If you just make your lead violin or whatever it was actually change to the VI chord rather than hang on the tonic, it'll sound a lot better.

I lot of it is the shitty tone, what "wrong" notes do you see? I'm not doing it 100% with the song. And which lead do you mean?
Well, it would be better if you go with the notes of the tab for the intro riff. That would sound better. And I don't know if you changed some other notes or just used the basic notes but there's also something in it which doesn't fit so good, but can't tell you what :) Maybe it is really because of gp.

Here it is again but made with Fruity Loops and adobe audition
ah ok I manned it up and looked and the tab and saw what was wrong, thanks for the heads up. Here it is fixed with some changes and the cello part next. Keep in mind all these runs are kind of filler for now like the violin one at the end of the verse until I go back and make it interesting.

That's what I got for it.

I didn't bother with EQ'ing the shit, I just slowed it down 50%. Pretty basic stuff. The Cb5 is just knowing a sound when you hear it. Learn the sounds of all the intervals and it becomes easy.



- EAug5th/Cmaj (1st inversion)
- E5
- Eb5
- Emaj/C#min (1st inversion)
- Emin/Cmaj (1st inversion)

I need to learn intervals, and I hope to some day become as good as you in tabbing.

The hell is for children sound a bit wrong. When doing the 2nd part before (forgive or forget...)

On the recording it sounds like hes doing more similar to the
right before (they cry in the dark) There should be a 2nd harmonic in there with some other phrasing. :x

If that could be corrected it'd be nice. Other than that, the tab sounds great. good work. :)
has anyone tabbed the Twilight of the thunder god solo??

... Or even managed to play it for that matter?

I've only seen one person on youtube who can play it at all...

lol, someone impress me please *cough**mitch**cough*
Here's my correction of I Spit On Your Grave solo. I'm not sure about all fingerings and notes though (I needed 2 hours for it,lol)...

I think some sounds a bit better, like the tapping parts, but the arpeggios at the end don't match. I will listen to it to verify, but I didn't actually tab this solo myself.

EDIT: Here's the correction of the 2nd Hate me single version solo.

I think it's pretty much the same, although I was never satisfied with the first bar, this sounds a little better. Will check it soon.

Here's a GP File I made for Kissing the Shadows taking the tabs from this thread but combining all the notes in two guitar because I find more convenient playing this way and especially for people who want to print this (just like me)...I made it because I think it would be more convenient!!!

So you just deleted the other instruments?

The hell is for children sound a bit wrong. When doing the 2nd part before (forgive or forget...)

On the recording it sounds like hes doing more similar to the
right before (they cry in the dark) There should be a 2nd harmonic in there with some other phrasing. :x

If that could be corrected it'd be nice. Other than that, the tab sounds great. good work. :)

Damn, you're right. Didn't notice that. I checked the song, and noticed it's actually 3-4 on the 6th string, instead of 3-3. Cheers.

has anyone tabbed the Twilight of the thunder god solo??

... Or even managed to play it for that matter?

I've only seen one person on youtube who can play it at all...

lol, someone impress me please *cough**mitch**cough*

Someone tabbed it and uploaded it here, but I don't remember who it was.

And I'm really not that enthusiastic about learning it. :p