TAB Thread.

That's my video xD They transformed from the band and now band called Made Of Hate. In 2008 band released worldwidely thei album - Bullet In Your Head. They play really amazing music, in particular, so I recommend their music. :worship:
A friend on youtube sent me these backing tracks. Complete songs without guitars.

Children of Bodom: Of Bodom - Children Of Bodom (BT) (Original track).mp3

Towards Dead End: Of Bodom - Towards Dead End (BT) (Original track).mp3

Warheart: Of Bodom - Warheart (BT) (Original track).mp3

Are these from the karaoke thingy?

They sound innaccurate in some places I think.

Can't open them atm but those are the 3 Karaoko songs...

EDIT: Ok, I've checked TDE and it is the same I have so those are the original Karaoke Tracks. I do also have TDE without vocals and Warheart with second guitar.
Okay, thanks :) So there are only 3 songs?

They sound great. Probably gonna use them in a video in the future.

Yes, only 2 versions of Warheart, 2 of TDE and CoB... I've used the TDE BT for my cover.

Edit: Ok, and we have this DWEDFN BT from GH5 which is really great! Used it for my cover too
Children Of Bodom - Original Backing Tracks
(Children of Bodom, Towards Dead End (without guitars and voice/without guitars), Warheart (with 2nd rythm guitar plus voice, without guitars), Done with everything, die for nothing (splitted into 6 parts (guitars, additional instrumnets, bass, snare, cymbals, bass drum)

Children Of Bodom - Rockhouse Backing Tracks

and, for those who use just Fruity Loops and want to have a soundfont for Jaskas Bass Drum:

Jaskas Bass drum soundfont

DL'd them, thanks epicly much! Awesome..
God I love this forum so much already.. :rock:
guys i need help. I got a alexi blacky not long ago and when i got it had thinn strings and was tuned in E standard ....Yesterday i bought thicker string (11-48) and after changing them my floyd rose stodd a lot higher up then usually... so to get it down i tuned my guitar to D standard but it still isnt good and i dont know how to fix this. could some one explain? I want to have my guitar tuned in D standard tho....thanks ..

(excuse my english and im not a total guitar noob i just dont have experience in this floyd rose stuff ;) )
Do i tune it to D standard and then tighten the springs by screwing the screws untill the floyd rose is as it should be?

And i have been searching on Google but i couldn't find a good explanation....thanks ! :D
You won't get the bridge to the right angle with one tightening/loosening. You need to do that several times before it's as it should be. And you need to tune your strings to right tuning before tightening/loosening screws again.
So , i tune it to D standard...then the bridge goes crazy...then thighten or loosen the screws...then wait..then the bridge goes crazy again and keep on doing that untill it gets normal :P?

Thanks for the help btw :D i ask a lot of question just to be sure :P
You won't get the bridge to the right angle with one tightening/loosening. You need to do that several times before it's as it should be. And you need to tune your strings to right tuning before tightening/loosening screws again.
If you tune your strings to where you want them (for example E standard) and then tighten the springs there's a good chance you'll snap the strings.

Tune your strings down a bit, then tighten the springs in the back of the guitar. Tune the strings up to where you want them. Repeat this until your bridge lies flat.

Edit: I mean repeat from the downtuning of the strings.
So, I tune the strings a little bit lower then D standard and then tighten the screews and then tune the guitar to D standard untill it lies flat :)? and the screws are the ones going into the guitar in the direction of where the neck is :D?