TAB Thread.

Me too, but there should be different "voices" to judge every tab. I'm not a tabber, but i think i have a good ear, i even made Warheart correct his own nickname song :)
I don't see the need for absolutely perfect tabs of every song. If you are going to learn a song all the way through, you will most likely benefit more from listening by ear, rather than following a tab.

I don't see the need for absolutely perfect tabs of every song. If you are going to learn a song all the way through, you will most likely benefit more from listening by ear, rather than following a tab.



Bullshit guys, if you don't need tab don't apply. I do not have a perfect ear like yours and i find tabs very useful and i thanks the tabber in this thread for helping me in learning Bodom songs.
I know tabs in here are very helpful yes, but it certainly doesn't hurt to try learning songs by ear. That's the way your ear gets trained.
I know tabs in here are very helpful yes, but it certainly doesn't hurt to try learning songs by ear. That's the way your ear gets trained.

Yes, I agree, it's important for a musician.

I think that even when one has a tab to use as a support/example, if one doesn't try figuring out himself the missing parts first, then he (or she too, since this can be for some ladies too) is the first person who gets a bit "lazy", in my opinion... if someone want to "grow up" about all this, then they must not surrender and be very patient, hurry gets nowhere.

And Eero, didn't see you post in a long time... good to see you back, dude.
I know tabs in here are very helpful yes, but it certainly doesn't hurt to try learning songs by ear. That's the way your ear gets trained.

Sure, in fact as i said i even corrected some tabs. However i don't understand what is your problem in correcting the tabs of this thread. If you don't want simply don't do it. No one is aiming at you with a gun. Furthermore i think the tabs need only minor corrections, the big work is already done.
Learning tabs by ear is good in theory to get the basic notes down and stuff but to be honest - all covers I've heard on Youtube of guys who said in their description that they learned the song by ear had so many mistakes in the song... I say it is good when people try to learn songs by ear and then use a tab to compare.
^I agree with that post immensely. You can easily figure out notes by listening to something and then trying to play it, but unless you really do your research and so on, you may get a lot of the phrasing wrong.
^I agree with that post immensely. You can easily figure out notes by listening to something and then trying to play it, but unless you really do your research and so on, you may get a lot of the phrasing wrong.

by phrasing do you mean like the note values? cuz yeah, I seem to have a lot of mistakes when it comes to some note values and rests and whatnot.
However i don't understand what is your problem in correcting the tabs of this thread. If you don't want simply don't do it. No one is aiming at you with a gun.

Talk about provoking. I never said I had any problem with correcting tabs here. It was just my opinion. Calm the fuck down.

Some of you guys really take this tabbing shit too seriously.
his fingers on his fretting hand shouldn't be slanted like that. ideally they should be parallel to the frets. and he could fix that by positioning his thumb behind the neck, where it's supposed to be most of the time anyway. but yeah, cool little tune :p
I don't think slanting your fingers is really a big deal. It might be important to you if you consider it to be the "proper" way to play guitar, but from what I see, rock or metal guitar players usually don't play with their fingers parallel to the frets (except for Chris Broderick, but that might be due to his classical guitar background).