TAB Thread.

ta bien, esa cancion esta dificilisima... y no puedo ayudar soy un asco en transcibir :lol:
jaja, bueno si nadie ayuda hago un invento raro para terminar el tab :Spin:

This is very good! Thank you for your tab, I will put it in the first page of the thread. Do you have any other Warmen tabs?

I try to do Japanese Hospitality and Alone, but is only the intro, but i can correct something of the keyboard of CoB :D
Like this:
Silent Night, Bodom Night
Small fixes, but I think they are correct :grin:

I can do more, but now haven't time :bah:
I try to do Japanese Hospitality and Alone, but is only the intro, but i can correct something of the keyboard of CoB :D
Like this:
Silent Night, Bodom Night
Small fixes, but I think they are correct :grin:

I can do more, but now haven't time :bah:
I corrected some parts of the keyboard of Children Of Bodom too.

Children Of Bodom
The keyboard solo is very hard, so i transcribe all that i can hear :eek:
Hi, first, i don't know speak english, so sorry bad english :grin:

Well, i try to do the tab from Switcharoo, but it is no end, so i want help to tab the drums part because i can´t do it, if you help me i can do the tab from the second keyboard solo :D

Here is it:
Warmen - Switcharoo

PD: I don't know play guitar, so the figure to play and the armonics can be wrong, but i think that the notes are right and sounds good :err:

te quedo muy bien!!
So I checked this thread to see if the tabs were finally back anddddddd...

They are, I'm proud of you guys for sorting this out. It means alot to me and I'm sure about 75.5 zillion other people who come here for their Bodom tabs.
Yea, glad they are up but will they stay up?

Do like I and save all to computer just in case they vanish again.
They will stay up. Bollocks to anyone who doesn't like them, they can fuck off and make their own thread.

That's what I wanted to hear:wave:

I think they are great....I know they have helped me out loads.

And now that I have Tuxguitar I can actually open them and see them. HAHA
The whole playing solo thing is a mystery to me. Just looking at the COB tabs I know it would take me years of intensive practise to play that. I guess the whole process is the math of 200 different little things put together. There's no single trick to do that.. But of course time used to play is one thing you can't skip.. I've played guitar for two years maybe 1-2 hours a week approximately, so not very serious.
The trick is to break each lick down into groups of 3 or 4 notes, and then link it all together. At least thats how I go about it.

Doesn't make it any easier to learn the actual solo, but it does help me with memorizing the licks. And then again most common licks are basically the same pattern, just different notes depending on what scale you are using.

Look up some Paul Gilbert instructional stuff, he really makes the learning process easier, as long as your hands can keep up.

Guitar does take a lot of work. I've been playing for 12 or 13 years now and I am still learning and is neverending. Just practice as much as you can. I try to put in at least 2-3 hours a day of practice.
^Yea, breaking stuff into groups of 3-4 notes or so helps memorizing them and get the thing flowing.. that's how you remember phone numbers too kind of.

What should I start learning? Scales, and then just play random stuff on a particular scale? (I hate practising those chords where you need to put your fingers on 4 different strings or so on a pattern.. as you don't even need them in much of metal..) What else? I watch some instruction videos now and then. I should check that Paul Gilbert thing.

One problem I have is when there's a part with lots of string skipping especially on fast part, and that's what makes the solos impossible too. That Blooddrunk solo I just checked and I could try that, but the Bed of Razors solo had lots of string skipping. But I can feel the development all the more I play. Things that seemed a bit too hard before are not so anymore.
I never practice chords anymore...too boring...I mean practice needs to be done but it can't be boring or else you will never want to do it again.

I go through all the modes of the major, minor, and diminished scale...guitar grimore is a great book that will show you pretty much every scale in any key. But applying to music is a totally diff story.

Another way I like to practice songs or parts of songs is to open my Tuxguitar or guitar pro...whichever you have, and to pick out a lick and then use the speed trainer. You can start the lick at like half the speed and everytime it repeats you cna make it play 5% faster. So you are gradually building up to the correct tempo.

The Gilbert DVD's are my favorite way of learning though...he is a great teacher and really goes into a lot of detail that most other teachers don't hit on. Like pick angle and attack...little things that really can impact your playing.
I'll check that out.
I just tried the Blooddrunk solo, the last part remaining.. one thing good about me is I check it once and I remember it. But building up the speed is a different thing. One question: are you supposed to pick the string on every note or just use the tapping (?) whenever possible? Or is it just more "quality points" if you manage to pick all the time. If you get me.
I believe I figured a way to improve that yesterday.. so that I start by going from lower E to higher E by picking a string down - up - and down by picking the next string on the same stroke, and repeating that till I reach the last string.. then take three fingers with me on the left hand.. and repeat the process from down to up.. But I'm not sure if that's anything helpful. :D

Edit: I can now play the Blooddrunk solo maybe 35% speed. It's fairly simple on COB standards..
One thing that definitely makes learning COB easier for a fan is that you remember "every note" by ear.