K ive been playing for about 7 years now, only seriously for about 1 (I had shitty teachers, and just had no motivation since they wouldnt teach me what i wanted) so I've been working on lots of stuff, random Bodom riffs, my own stuff, lots of improvising (its probably what im best at) playing guitar with vocals, and some band work. So my question is where should I go from here? Ive got very fast and coordinated hands, great tapping skils and not-so-great sweeping skills, but where should I go from here. Im not losing inspiration, I love the guitar and Id be happy with just doing what Im doing, but I need a challenge and I want a suggestion. Tell me a harder song for me to learn, and I will learn it, jusst give me a suggestion. Preferably dont pick a song with lots of chording in it, I hate chording with a passion.
P.S. If you want to know exactly how good I am, go to youtube and search up the Hourglass vomit riff, from Lamb of God. I can play that cleanly and up to speed on a shitty 20 dollar acoustic guitar, and I was at that level after about 20 minutes of practicing. (my electric guitar is in the city getting a new pickup put in, so Im stuck with that terrible acoustic.)
Technique all the way man. If you ever want to be better, just aim at harder songs like Yngwie Malmsteen's Far Beyond the Sun. If you like Wintersun, try to play their songs. I tried to find your video but there's like 3 thousands of the same cover on youtube. First step: Try to nail easy sweeps like the one in Bed of Razors. Then head to sweeps from Warheart and SNBN...etc.