A bit off topic but i made a video recording if anyone wants to check it out, it's not bodom but i did record a vid playing the song Children of Bodom aswell.
Mike_From_France said:LTD MH-400 Is a pretty good guitarand Nice playing for 15months!
<-Warheart-> said:That's cool. Basically just part of the interlude but an octave lower. You might wana change that Bb note to a B natural on the G string there though.
I should modify my tab into the 2006 live version. If you listen, you can hear them both do a descending sextuplet run during that part instead and I've never worked it out. And Alexi changes that sweep pattern during the interlude and also the last bar of the song he changes too but that's about it.
SomeoneWild said:I would like to request the second part of the Hatecrew Deathroll solo(the sweep part). I have it in a GP file, but the positioning is kinda weird.
SomeoneWild said:Thanks a lot Warheart. Did you transcribe it yourself?