TAB Thread.

Mystique1721 said:
ok so i don't know if any of you guys remember, but i asked warheart for some advice on how to write a bodom-style song. i said i would upload the file here for you guys to check out and to add on to. honestly, i don't think i did a very good job representing alexi's style. i just basically tried to keep it in the key of E minor and i didn't have enough time to write out a whole song...oh well, take a look and see if you guys can perhaps bodom it up a the song when you guys are done! i wanna see what you came up with.

I'm not a guitarpro-pro, but i'll give my comment on it aswell!
It has some nice riffs and all, but doesn't really seem to have something that binds them together, just seems like a bunch of riffs thrown together, if you know what i mean :erk:. Nice job though, it's not as easy as people think.
That's what I thought too but I think maybe that was the idea? She said she didn't have time to write a full song so maybe it's just ideas and what not?

Anyway, I'm working on sorting it out into Emin and trying to make them all sound a bit more Bodom-ish.
OK here it is, Warheart's adaptations on Mystiques riffs with written analysis for a better understanding as to what I was thinking when I looked at them and changed them to what I did. Don't get too bored. :heh:

In the ZIP FILE there's 3 files. 1 is the origianal, 2 is a basic showing of what riff I changed and what I changed it to and 3 is full band demonstrations of each riff. 2 is the one I'll be referring to the most.

Ok as I explained to another user about 4/5 pages back, when using a different tuning, you still play as if the guitar was in E standard so you call the strings EADGBE and all the notes stay the same (for convenience!!), so I took the first melody (bar 1, GP file 2) and transposed it to Emin (bar 2, GP file 2) by moving it down 2 frets.

I then doubled each note like Janne does (bar 3) in "Living Dead Beat" and "Angel's Don't Kill" etc.
Using this same idea, I tryed to come up with a melody that sounded a bit more like Bodom (this didn't come easy) and also extended it to 2 bars long before repeating (bar 4 & 5). You can see in the 3rd GP file that I made the keyboard play it first and then got the guitar to double it when the whole band started to play. Notice that the rhythm guitar is stupidly simple because the focus is on the lead guitar/keyboard melody (GP file 3, bar 7 & 8).

Bar 7 of GP file 2 uses a very common harmonic minor progression so once again, I transposed that to Emin and used it at the end of the rhythm part for the first melody (end of bar 10, GP file 3).

As shown in bar 9 of GP fle 2, I had to change the end of the melody too so it would fit over the chords. An E harmonic minor scale was used.

In bar 10 of GP file 2, constant 16th notes are used and then notes change every beat so I stuck it in Emin again and outlined a very common progression (bar 11-12, GP file 2) that Alexi uses SOO MUCH. (Emin, Emin, C, D, Emin). As you can hear in GP file 3, bar 12, the focus is one the keyboard melody which is doubled by a diatonic 3rd harmony the 2nd time round so the guitar part can get away with being really simple.

I saw that Mystique used some sweep picked arpeggios in there so I thought I'd Alexify those too (bar 13 & 14, GP file 2). The first two shapes were played high to low so I replaced them with an descending Emin and D major.
The second set were low to high so I replaced those with an ascending Bmin and G major. The keyboard also doubles this, sometimes in unison and sometimes in harmony. Kinda reminds me of the solo to "Children of Decadence".

The last riff I looked at starts at bar 16, GP file 2 and it reminded me of songs like "Bodom After Midnight" and "Chokehold" because of the constant 16th notes. For this, I changed the key again but to Amin this time and used a syncopated rhythm for interest (bar 18, GP file 2) It sounds very much like something from a Sinergy album so I took advantage and used a lead fill from "The Bitch is Back" at the end of the riff. :)

At bar 29, GP file 3, I changed the feel of that riff by changing the drums to more of a thrash beat instead of punk, removed the keyboard and made the guitar more staccato.

I hope this can be helpful to you Mystique and to anyone else who cares to check it out. Hopefully I did a good enough job on making the riffs/melodies sound a little bit more like Bodom. I know they're not great and don't really sound like them but I tried. :erk:
you should read the previous page...its Mystic or smt dont know the nick...who did it at first...and warheart spiced it up...
yeah, sorry warheart, when i said i tried to keep it in E minor, i should've specified it was E Harmonic Minor, that's why it had both f# and d#. and i guess one of my biggest mistakes was not treating it like standard tuning. but i have a question, if the guitar is tuned down one whole step (in D tuning) then how can you say something is written in E minor just because it was treated like standard tuning? isn't that technically and theoretically wrong? (although i do understand that's it's used for convenience).

and you definitely did a good job of making it sound more like a bodom song, with all the keyboard riffs and all. but why didn't you use the riff in measures 15-16(GP1) in the final song (GP3?)
Mystique1721 said:
yeah, sorry warheart, when i said i tried to keep it in E minor, i should've specified it was E Harmonic Minor, that's why it had both f# and d#. and i guess one of my biggest mistakes was not treating it like standard tuning. but i have a question, if the guitar is tuned down one whole step (in D tuning) then how can you say something is written in E minor just because it was treated like standard tuning? isn't that technically and theoretically wrong? (although i do understand that's it's used for convenience).

and you definitely did a good job of making it sound more like a bodom song, with all the keyboard riffs and all. but why didn't you use the riff in measures 15-16(GP1) in the final song (GP3?)

E harmonic minor eh? Well you used a G# and an F natural too so it seemed like it was in F#m and then going down to F for a diminished type sound.

if the guitar is tuned down one whole step (in D tuning) then how can you say something is written in E minor just because it was treated like standard tuning?"

Yes, it's "technically" wrong but as I said, convenience is the only answer I think. If you were to play Lake Bodom on piano, you'd need to play the opening lick in C#min, but because Alexi plays those particular frets, we say Amin, even though it's in C# standard because if your guitar was in E, it would be A.

Just imagine rehearsing a Bodom song with a band and the other guitarist telling you to play something on the A string. I'd play the 5th string, but he might mean the 2nd string because to a piano, it'd be A, but we call it a B still.

why didn't you use the riff in measures 15-16(GP1) in the final song (GP3?)

Well I did. If you look at bar 16 of GP2, I said I tried to make it more Bodom-ish. I kinda explained it here:

"The last riff I looked at starts at bar 16, GP file 2 and it reminded me of songs like "Bodom After Midnight" and "Chokehold" because of the constant 16th notes. For this, I changed the key again but to Amin this time and used a syncopated rhythm for interest (bar 18, GP file 2) It sounds very much like something from a Sinergy album so I took advantage and used a lead fill from "The Bitch is Back" at the end of the riff.

I put the important parts in bold so you can see what I thought when I changed it.

Cofee_Annihilator said:
what song is that?

Mystique1721 wrote a bunch of riffs.
GP file 1 are those riffs
GP file 2 are my modifications to make them sound more Bodom-ish
GP file 3 are full band versions of my modifications

There are no Bodom songs or any songs from any other band in these tabs.

If you want to help, choose a song, tab it and upload it. :kickass:
I didn't really practise at all, it just came naturally because I wanted to read certain pieces so I could put them on guitar and program them into music programs etc so I had to pick it up. All my theory knowledge is self-obtained.
Sweet, I never thought about doing an Inearthed song. I'm going to do Talking of the Trees, I think that's the one I like.
<-Warheart-> said:
why didn't you use the riff in measures 15-16(GP1) in the final song (GP3?)

Well I did. If you look at bar 16 of GP2, I said I tried to make it more Bodom-ish. I kinda explained it here:

"The last riff I looked at starts at bar 16, GP file 2 and it reminded me of songs like "Bodom After Midnight" and "Chokehold" because of the constant 16th notes. For this, I changed the key again but to Amin this time and used a syncopated rhythm for interest (bar 18, GP file 2) It sounds very much like something from a Sinergy album so I took advantage and used a lead fill from "The Bitch is Back" at the end of the riff.

I put the important parts in bold so you can see what I thought when I changed it.

yeah i noticed that you did have that riff at bar 16 in GP file 2, but i meant that i can't hear/see that riff in the final version (GP3)...this is what i'm referring to:

-------------------------13-----------------------------------12--------- -------12-9-9-9-11-9-9-9---9-9-9------------9-9-9-----9-9-9----9-9-9
-0 0 0 0---------------------------0-0-0-0----------

anyways, it's no big deal. i just like that riff the most in the original compostion. so i was just wondering why it wasn't in the final version. but good job overall. anyone else wanna try to see what they can do? :headbang: