TAB Thread.

xshadowsoulsx said:
Is it even possible for someone to play using 64th notes? :lol:

Of course. Just because you're specifying a short note length, that doesn't indicate the tempo at all. If you had Malmsteen playing over an E Blues backing track that was at 54bpm, he could fit 64ths into that. Plus, pianists can play faster than guitarists so go find some virtuoso piano music and prepare to be wowed. It could also be 3 fast pull offs or a 3 note tapping thing. But the tempo does have to be pretty low.
<-Warheart-> said:
Of course. Just because you're specifying a short note length, that doesn't indicate the tempo at all. If you had Malmsteen playing over an E Blues backing track that was at 54bpm, he could fit 64ths into that. Plus, pianists can play faster than guitarists so go find some virtuoso piano music and prepare to be wowed. It could also be 3 fast pull offs or a 3 note tapping thing. But the tempo does have to be pretty low.

I would imagine that the tempo would have to be really low. If somebody could play those on guitar with a faster tempo, and play it clean, they would be god :lol: :p
how long did it take for you guys to learn how to sweep pick? i just started some sweeping exercises today and it's hard!!! well, not that hard, but it takes so much patience. i've been playing for almost 5 months now and i figure it's time i learned this. haha, yeah so i was just wondering how much practice time it'll take me to learn how to do bodom sweeps.
Mystique1721 said:
how long did it take for you guys to learn how to sweep pick? i just started some sweeping exercises today and it's hard!!! well, not that hard, but it takes so much patience. i've been playing for almost 5 months now and i figure it's time i learned this. haha, yeah so i was just wondering how much practice time it'll take me to learn how to do bodom sweeps.
about a week,though I started trying to do it much later than 5 months
just practice until the skin on your fingers start to come off,once you get it you will know,it just clicks,and then sweeps are very easy and you wonder how you couldnt do them before
Mystique1721 said:
how long did it take for you guys to learn how to sweep pick? i just started some sweeping exercises today and it's hard!!! well, not that hard, but it takes so much patience. i've been playing for almost 5 months now and i figure it's time i learned this. haha, yeah so i was just wondering how much practice time it'll take me to learn how to do bodom sweeps.

Yeah, it takes lots of patience...trying to sweep pisses me off something fierce.

Due to the frets being small on my guitar (that and I have big fingers) I find it MUCH easier to sweep below the 12th fret. I've been practicing the first solo or interlude in Triple Corpse Hammerblow. I can play it clean at 65% speed, though the sweeping in it is only downward, so YMMV.
If you've only been playing 5 months and you try to play Bodom stuff now, chances are it's going to sound bad. You should really walk before you can run and put it off for alot longer. It took me a day to learn how to sweep pick but I'd already been playing 3 years and alreayd had quite a bit of control. Practising simple things like vibrato and accurate bends will make you sound ALOT better than trying to shred out SNBN. Don't beleive me, watch the covers on youtube...

I can't stress this enough, seriously.
<-Warheart-> said:
If you've only been playing 5 months and you try to play Bodom stuff now, chances are it's going to sound bad. You should really walk before you can run and put it off for alot longer. It took me a day to learn how to sweep pick but I'd already been playing 3 years and alreayd had quite a bit of control. Practising simple things like vibrato and accurate bends will make you sound ALOT better than trying to shred out SNBN. Don't beleive me, watch the covers on youtube...

I can't stress this enough, seriously.

well i can already play half of bed or razors, and it honestly doesn't sound that bad. of course, i can't really play up to alexi's speed, but i can play it at 120bpm and it does sound clean. i practice scales everyday and now i'm practicing sweep picking. do you have any good excersises for vibratos, bends and other techniques i could work on?
I'd highly recommend starting out on Metallica rhythm parts. Easy, but not so easy you won't learn anything. Hard, but not so hard a beginner can't play them. Juuuust right.:Smug:
Mystique1721 said:
well i can already play half of bed or razors, and it honestly doesn't sound that bad. of course, i can't really play up to alexi's speed, but i can play it at 120bpm and it does sound clean. i practice scales everyday and now i'm practicing sweep picking. do you have any good excersises for vibratos, bends and other techniques i could work on?

I don't know of any exercises for vibrato other than by just doing it. I've heard stories about how Eric Clapton would lock himself in his bedroom for HOURS, just bending and shaking a single note. Now that's discipline.
^ i would actually LOVE to be locked in a room with just a piano and a guitar and some music theory books. if i had the money to do that (by not having to work) and the opportunity to quit school (more time for music), i would. but in a way, that's not possible in todays lifestyle....
I've played for about 7 months now, and started to sweep like 1 month ago, it's abit hard in the beginning, but once you get it down it's quite simple. The only thing you have to do is to palm mute if you use alot of dist, but that comes easily in a while.
I am skeptical of all these claims also. I don't believe you have 'nailed it perfectly'. Sweeping is not simple, and I would be truly impressed and astonished that you could pull off a 5 or 6 string sweep cleanly after 7 months. I have been playing 3 years, know my talent well, but I cannot sweep very well at all. 3 string sweeps are easy enough, I can pull those off. 5 or 6 string sweeps I can not do. Please try and be realistic with your skills. It is likely that these 'sweeps' sound like muddy crap. If you believe otherwise, please post clips.