TAB Thread.

yeah, i know my amp sucks! it's cuz it's a 10 watt imbanez and it came with my guitar. incase you're wondering, my equipment sucks. i bought one of those ibanez beginner packs....hehe, i didn't know if watnted to spend so much money ona really good guitar yet...

but that esp will come some day :D
Mystique1721 said:
yeah, i know my amp sucks! it's cuz it's a 10 watt imbanez and it came with my guitar. incase you're wondering, my equipment sucks. i bought one of those ibanez beginner packs....hehe, i didn't know if watnted to spend so much money ona really good guitar yet...

but that esp will come some day :D
If you want a good guitar, get a guitar from the Ibanez RG prestige series. Cheaper and better than ESP. Just a tip.
Then why don't you just look up the tabs for the original songs!!!!

Mystique, I agree with everyone that's commented so far. Good job for 6 months playing, I wasn't even playing lead stuff like this until about a year or so. It did sound like the guitar was a bit out of tune too.

If I get time later, I'll do the Downfall intro.
^ hahaha really? i thought you would be the toughest on me, Mitch. cuz you kept saying how if you're a beginner you should stick to easier stuff than bodom and build your way to them later. personally, watching it again on youtube, i'm not very satisfied with it. so maybe you're right about attempting harder stuff when you're a beginner....
Well yeah that's true. You shouldn't overdo it with hard stuff because you WILL mess up your technique and it'll take ages to get it good again. I think that's why I seem to find most things easy to play at a moderate tempo, I played harder things gradually whereas most people pick up the guitar because of someone like Steve Vai and try to shred and learn all of his songs straight away. I got a guitar because I liked the distorted sound and I was playing Nu-Metal at first so I got the basics down before lead.

Metallica/Megadeath is good for rhythm. I would say Slayer too but that's like advanced rhythm so give it a while. But yeah, for me, I learnt every single Metallica song ever recorded in my 2nd year of playing and it did WONDERS for my overall playing. I'm not sure if you like them though...:erk:
Attempting songs isn't the best way to go imo, but i guess it's the most fun. Most people get bored by just doing scales up and down, but that's atleast what i've been doing the last 7 months. I don't really see the purpose of learning someone elses work. Ofcourse i've learned some licks and stuff that i like, but a whole song just sounds boring :erk:
inhe said:
Attempting songs isn't the best way to go imo, but i guess it's the most fun. Most people get bored by just doing scales up and down, but that's atleast what i've been doing the last 7 months. I don't really see the purpose of learning someone elses work. Ofcourse i've learned some licks and stuff that i like, but a whole song just sounds boring :erk:

I think it's a good way to start. When people start playing, they usually think that you can get fast in like a year, and you can, but it won't sound too good because the control isn't there and this is something that comes with experience, that's a fact. Of course there's people that have only been playing 2/3 years and they're great but most of the time, their vibrato and bends stink, they just can't hold a note. Simple things like this come quicker if you spend time playing songs and really getting into it and "meaning it".

Of course, practising bits that you can't play at first should also be done but I think it's rushing too much if you're practising Yngwie licks to a metronome during your first 3 months or so.

Just my opinion.
<-Warheart-> said:
Well yeah that's true. You shouldn't overdo it with hard stuff because you WILL mess up your technique and it'll take ages to get it good again. I think that's why I seem to find most things easy to play at a moderate tempo, I played harder things gradually whereas most people pick up the guitar because of someone like Steve Vai and try to shred and learn all of his songs straight away. I got a guitar because I liked the distorted sound and I was playing Nu-Metal at first so I got the basics down before lead.

Metallica/Megadeath is good for rhythm. I would say Slayer too but that's like advanced rhythm so give it a while. But yeah, for me, I learnt every single Metallica song ever recorded in my 2nd year of playing and it did WONDERS for my overall playing. I'm not sure if you like them though...:erk:

i love metallica. well up until their latest albums anyway. my fav. is probably Kill 'em all. but master of puppets, ride the lightening, garage inc...all are great albums. i learned a few metallica songs when i used to play bass and i learned the first part of orion on guitar (i love that song). but yeah, i guess i'll start working on more metallica songs. and you're right about the steave vai thing, like, alexi was my inspiration to play guitar so naturally i wanna play the stuff he plays...but i guess i'll slow down for a bit...
I think your misunderstood me. There is a pretty big gap between learning an easy song like some nu-metal stuff and ripping through some michael angelo batio stuff. What i was trying to say is that there are tons of exercises and scales that you can learn by just playing them with a metronome. And also learn the basic chords and techniques like bending and vibrato.

Ultimately everyone progresses at a different pace and like to practice with different stuff. But maybe some people need to learn a song to feel the sensation of progression.

My cup of tea is still playing scales and licks, because then i learn theory at the same time as i as i get a better technique. When i warm up i usually start at around 80-100bpm with some exercises, so it's not like i don't know my limits even though i haven't played for such a long time.

I respect your opinion and i hope you respect mine even though you've played longer and know more about guitaring than me :)
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Mystique1721 said:
i love metallica. well up until their latest albums anyway. my fav. is probably Kill 'em all. but master of puppets, ride the lightening, garage inc...all are great albums. i learned a few metallica songs when i used to play bass and i learned the first part of orion on guitar (i love that song). but yeah, i guess i'll start working on more metallica songs. and you're right about the steave vai thing, like, alexi was my inspiration to play guitar so naturally i wanna play the stuff he plays...but i guess i'll slow down for a bit...

Ah right, that's cool that you like them then. But again, I could still pick up 'Tallica stuff pretty quickly because I'd already been playing that year before and I did actually play 365 days I think because it was the best thing I'd ever done so maybe for different people, playing other stuff would be better. Just experiement I guess.

Alexi said himself that he was inspired by Vai and was sloppy for the first 2 years but then he realised that he needed to slow down otherwise he'd be crap his whole life. Thank god he did slow down. :worship: :worship:

Inhe said:
My cup of tea is still playing scales and licks, because then i learn theory at the same time as i as i get a better technique. When i warm up i usually start at around 80-100bpm with some exercises, so it's not like i don't know my limits even though i haven't played for such a long time.

I respect your opinion and i hope you respect mine even though you've played longer and know more about guitaring than me :

That's totally understandable dude. I used to love playing along to Papa Roach, you love playing licks to a metronome, same thing. As long as you're playing everyday and have some sort of goal, then you're doing great. :cool:

Mystique, I noticed you played the intro the Bed of Razors the hard way? barring the 12th fret with you pinky??!

Download the tab in the first post of the BoR intro and look at the last arrangement, that's the one you suggested and it's the easiest!!! Even I use that one when I play it. :oops:

Also, give Everytime I Die a shot, that and Angel's Don't Kill are their simplest songs imo. At least, the rhythm parts are.
<-Warheart-> said:
Mystique, I noticed you played the intro the Bed of Razors the hard way? barring the 12th fret with you pinky??!

Download the tab in the first post of the BoR intro and look at the last arrangement, that's the one you suggested and it's the easiest!!! Even I use that one when I play it. :oops:

Also, give Everytime I Die a shot, that and Angel's Don't Kill are their simplest songs imo. At least, the rhythm parts are.

i know!! i can't believe that i like to play it that way!!! of course i tried the easy way, the one where you start on the 7th fret of the 1st string, but there's something appealing to me when i play it on the 12th fret...i like the feeling of playing it that way, although it kinda hurt my muscles as i pracitised it :heh: or maybe it's a mental thing where i tell myself, well even if this is the harder way, i'll be building better technique if i practice this way instead of the easy way...and yeah i'm gonna look at the tabs for everytime i die; that song never appealed to me as much as the others so i didn't really bother learning it. but i think i'll give it a shot now
Warheart, have you tried learning Technical Difficulties? One of my fav songs by Racer X
Mystique1721 said:
i know!! i can't believe that i like to play it that way!!! of course i tried the easy way, the one where you start on the 7th fret of the 1st string, but there's something appealing to me when i play it on the 12th fret...i like the feeling of playing it that way, although it kinda hurt my muscles as i pracitised it :heh: or maybe it's a mental thing where i tell myself, well even if this is the harder way, i'll be building better technique if i practice this way instead of the easy way...and yeah i'm gonna look at the tabs for everytime i die; that song never appealed to me as much as the others so i didn't really bother learning it. but i think i'll give it a shot now

I know someone who thinks that. They just practise everything the hard way but me, I like to do everything the easiest way possible and play it with good technique.

Inhe said:
Warheart, have you tried learning Technical Difficulties? One of my fav songs by Racer X

Yeah, but I don't play it much because I haven't practised it, just learnt it so I can't play it perfectly at full speed. It's not that great compared to some of their others songs imo, songs that most people don't even know exist.

Try Let the Spirit Fly, Snakebite, Superheroes, Viking Kong, Fire of Rock, Miss Mistreater, Poison Eyes etc