TAB Thread.

Hey Mitch, Ive heard a few songs by Racer X, and I know that you LOVE them, but which album(s) would you recommend?

It depends on whta you want, cool catchy songs with good production and chirpy guitar solos or hey, look at us, we're sooo good on guitar shred your ass off material where the solos are :erk: and the songs are ok.

1st option: Technical Difficulties/Superheroes
2nd option: Street Lethal, Second Heat.

Although, I've grown to love all the songs regardless of what album.

(btw, when I said the solos are :erk:, I meant that's how they make you feel as a guitar if you think you're good, don't listen to their first 2 studio/2 live albums)
:D Yah, they didn't really go far with the first 2 albums, probably because they were so guitar orientated. The only reason Paul Gilbert got famous was because Billy Sheehan asked him to form a band, which turned out to be Mr. Big which is far from heavy metal.

But I'd suggest giving their old songs a listen too, there's some really cool ones.
Well I can do it as a wave from GP but I dno why noone else can.

Are you exporting from GP5? If so, don't. Try using GP4.
I'm using GP4...I think I will just use trial and error until it works. Thanks.

As soon as you choose "export as wave", there's a pop up thing, you need to choose one that says something like "What you hear". Just go through the list and keep trying. But that's the one I use.

baditup said:
hey peoples, i'm new, obviously, to this forum

is GP4 that much better than GP5?!?!?!

GP5 has more features but I prefer using GP4, it's just personal preference.
GP5 has more features but I prefer using GP4, it's just personal preference.

Yeah, I'm more for the simple versions as I generally don't use most of the added features of later editions. Anyway, thanx for your input and now I have to get to downloading all these files cuz I'm totally blown away at how one can play so freakin fast and i need to know notes. dang i need a new guitar... =)
Mitch, can you give any tips on sweep picking, or perhaps point me in the direction of a lesson on it's technique? I'm finding it really hard to sweep despite hours of practise. It's my biggest weak point as a guitarist and I think it's becoming an essential skill for anyone who plays leads, so it's pretty depressing that I can't do it right. So, HELP ME. =P
I'm not mitch, but just pick a couple of triad sweeps, and do it with a metronome, start out very slow and repeat it a lot , play it some more at that speed even after you have a it perfect then just keep on going up the speed very slowely
so no you can't do it without practicing it a lot.
Mitch, can you give any tips on sweep picking, or perhaps point me in the direction of a lesson on it's technique? I'm finding it really hard to sweep despite hours of practise. It's my biggest weak point as a guitarist and I think it's becoming an essential skill for anyone who plays leads, so it's pretty depressing that I can't do it right. So, HELP ME. =P

What Conti said is pretty much it. You treat sweep picking the same as you would any other technique, it's just practise.

But since you already said you've been practise alot (I hope it's been ALOT?)
I'll try and point out stuff.


First off, what is it specifically that you're having trouble with? Left hand? Right hand? Or you just don't know WHAT to play? Or all?
^ actually, i'm kinda having a little trouble with the pull offs on sweeps like this:

E-15 12p-----------12--------------------------

and also, when i try to play it fast, the strings ring a can i stop that?
^ actually, i'm kinda having a little trouble with the pull offs on sweeps like this:

E-15 12p-----------12--------------------------

and also, when i try to play it fast, the strings ring a can i stop that?

I don't know why you'd have trouble with the pull off, you just need to practise that on its own then.

Something like:


Using your 1st, 3rd and 4th fingers of course.

The strings ring out because you're not muting with your left hand. Let me try and write an explanation, this goes for everything too.

Look at the B string.
Put your finger on it at the 6th fret position but do not press it down.
Now press it down and pick it, you should hear a nice clean note.
Now release the string off of the fretboard but do not take your finger off of the actual string.
Now press it down to the fretboard and pick again.
Then release it from the fretboard but keeping your fingertip on the string.

If done correctly, after you take the string off of the fretboard, the note should stop ringing completely.

THIS is how you perform left hand muting and should be done with every single finger and every string when executing a sweep picked arpeggio.

You should practise the arpeggio that you just tabbed out using this technique and play it SLOW ENOUGH that you have about a second in between each note.

If you think practising sweep picking for 3 hours a day is alot, you should try what I did.

I played all 3 major and minor shapes, 6 notes per beat, 3 string and 5 string, ascending and descending at 40bpm ONLY for a whole WEEK every day, clean and distorted.
The next week, I did it at 50, then 60, then 70 etc ONLY playing at that speed and no faster whatsoever. I did this whole thing about 3 times a day and it's an AMAZING workout for anything. But I could already sweep at an average level already so I'd definitely advise doing this when you can actually do it cleanly at an even tempo first.